Deepak Chopra

4 Ways to Interrupt Negative Thinking
Seeking happiness, joy, and fulfillment is a natural and evolutionary byproduct of your spirit progressing toward ever-increasing levels of expansion and awareness. Life, however, inevitably contains pain. When you become triggered by painful events, you experience mental and emotional turmoil. Negative thoughts and emotions feel heavy, dark, and burdensome. This collapses your awareness into defensiveness, anger, gloom, and worst-case scenario...
5 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Began Meditating
Before I began meditating I felt that I had two advantages: I came from India, and because of my medical background, I had looked into the health benefits of meditation. So when I think of five things that I wish I'd known 35 years ago, I would amend the topic to "things I wish everyone knew." Meditation is natural. It's...
Total Meditation: How to Meditate for Healing
There are now thousands of studies spanning five decades to validate the benefits of meditation. As widespread as this information is, the effect on everyday life has been limited. In my new book, Total Meditation, I wanted to correct the under-use of meditation and the large problem of non-compliance, as a doctor would call it. Too many people start meditating...
Meditación Total: Cómo Meditar Para la Curación
La técnica es la simplicidad misma. En cualquier momento del día en que te encuentres distraído, abrumado, preocupado, cansado o estresado, trata inmediatamente con este estado de desequilibrio.
Meditación Total: Tu Bienestar Bajo una Nueva Luz
El movimiento de bienestar ha estado arraigado durante más de una década. Por incrementos, ciertos aspectos de la vida de las personas han mejorado, mientras que en otros no. Por ejemplo, el consumo de tabaco ha disminuido, pero millones de personas están estresadas. El insomnio, el sobrepeso, la ansiedad y la depresión se mantienen en un nivel alto y preocupante.Los...
Only a Silent Mind Can Be a Healing Mind
Originally published by SF Gate. Crises call for action and may even trigger global action that is motivated by alarm, fear, and the dread of uncertainty. But what about the individual person who feels afraid and uncertain? I’d like to propose an answer based on the silent mind. I realize that this approach might sound a bit alien and “spiritual”...
What do Tingling & Physical Sensations During Meditation Mean?
Experiencing physical sensations during meditation is common, from tingling to nausea & more. Deepak Chopra answers questions on what these feelings mean.
A Great Addition to Meditation: Conscious Breathing
A new medical breakthrough that is actually very old is known as controlled breathing. The practice is simple. You take a deep breath, feeling your lungs expand fully, then slowly exhale to a count of five. Repeating this practice four or five times sends a signal to the brain that creates a variety of beneficial responses.As a recent article in...
Una Gran Adición a la Meditación: Respiración Consciente
Un nuevo avance médico que en realidad es muy antiguo se conoce como respiración controlada. La práctica es simple. Respiras profundamente, sientes que tus pulmones se expanden completamente, y luego exhalas lentamente hasta la cuenta de cinco. Repitiendo esta práctica cuatro o cinco veces se envía una señal al cerebro que crea una variedad de respuestas beneficiosas.Como dice un artículo...
How to Find the Good in a Chaotic World
The world is chaotic because human beings are chaotic in their awareness. Here's how you can cultivate an orderly mind as your best asset to meet life's challenges by Deepak Chopra M.D.
Meditation Frustration: What to Do When You Want to Quit
The quick answer is “Don’t Quit”!During my years of teaching meditation, I’ve heard a multitude of excuses for ending a meditation session early so let’s look at some of them and what to do when they occur.ComfortOne of the simplest reasons for feeling restless during meditation is because you’re sitting in an uncomfortable position. If you can sit for 20–30...
The Importance of a Morning Breathing Practice
Learn how to start your day with breathing exercises that will help you start each morning right. Learn more from Chopra today.
7 Ways Meditation Can Help You Reduce and Manage Stress
Thousands of years ago the Buddha said, “Life contains suffering.” The source of suffering can be profound, such as losing a loved one or discovering you have a serious illness. Most often, however, our suffering comes from the daily hassles of life. You get stuck in a traffic jam or the long line at the grocery. You have an unexpected...
Present-Moment Awareness: A Better Way to Stay in Control
Feeling in control is a critical issue in everyone's life. Most people are uncomfortable being out of control—a state that produces anxiety, uncertainty, confusion, panic, and loss of self-confidence, depending on how severe the loss of control is. Let's see what a natural way of being in control looks like.Control Starts at the Cellular LevelIf you live entirely in the...
In the Holiday Spirit: Giving, Gratitude, and Grace
It would be beautiful to use the holiday season to spiritually expand, to show that this time of year is more than a hectic splurge of spending that leads to stress, family conflict, and depression. Many people experience that negative reality and don't know how to change it into something more positive. The key is to think in terms of...
4 Ways to Create and Maintain Inner Peace
More than in the past, people are recognizing the value of having inner peace. This represents a shift away from an earlier value system that put the highest priority on consumerism, career success, competition, and unending distractions. But wanting inner peace is only the first step. Actually having and seeking inner peace as a lasting experience involves a journey inward....
"I Am That": A Secret Teaching Comes Home for All of Us
I remember being shocked and intrigued by a statement made once by a famous spiritual teacher in India, Nisargadatta Maharaj. We never met, and Maharaj was not a prominent public guru. In fact, he lived above his small shop in Bombay without great fanfare. What he said was this: "You need to realize that the entire Universe has conspired to...
6 Modern-Day Meditation Leaders You Can Learn From
Whether you are new to the practice of meditation or already have made it a daily habit, here are six meditation gurus who you can learn and grow from.
Meditation and the Spiritual Life of Children
When they become parents, many people wonder how to impart spiritual values to their children. The traditional model of sending them to Sunday school is one alternative. But as more people turn away from organized religion to carve their own path, many parents choose to draw the entire family into the personal spirituality of the parents. Children grow up to...
Be the Presence of Compassion and Peace
At the level of consciousness or spirit, we are all inextricably connected to everyone and everything. While our body may appear to be a solid physical structure, in reality it’s an ever-flowing river of energy and information, in constant dynamic exchange with the environment around us.Our language reflects our innate understanding of our essential energetic nature. We say things like,...
7 Practices for Peacemakers
“When a person is established in nonviolence, those in his vicinity cease to feel hostility.” — PatanjaliThis book excerpt is from Peace Is the Way by Deepak Chopra.The approach of personal transformation is the idea of the future for ending war. It depends on the only advantage that people of peace have over war-makers: sheer numbers. If enough people in...
The Power of Group Meditation
Meditation has so many advantages that it’s become more popular than ever. Health, well-being, and mental processes improve with meditation and, over time, the benefits increase steadily. If meditation works so well for an individual, perhaps that power is amplified in a group. It could accelerate and expand everything. Let’s go into the possibilities.At the most practical level, group meditation...
How Meditation Can Help Anxiety
Fear is a negative emotion, unless you’re facing an actual threat and need to fight or flee. And the usefulness of fear is minimal in daily life, particularly in the form of anxiety. Stressful events can produce short-term anxiety in almost everyone, which disappears after the event. But for an estimated 6.8 million Americans with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), anxiety...
What Happens to the Brain During Meditation?
Meditation provides experiences that the mind can achieve no other way, such as inner silence and expanded awareness. And as the mind gains experience, the brain shows physical activity as well—sometimes profound changes.Beginning in the 1970s, studies showed that something was happening in the brain during meditation. In the last decade, the research has begun to show that meditation can...
3 Common Fears of New Meditators
Over the years of teaching meditation, I’ve become familiar with many of the fears that new meditators raise when considering a meditation practice. Meditation has become much more familiar in the public mind over the last couple of decades, and many of the stereotypical beliefs about meditation being a difficult practice that’s only for monks and recluses have now been...
How Meditation Affects Heart Health
Decades ago, when the mind-body connection was first being studied, the original findings on meditation centered on heart attacks, strokes, and hypertension. A healthy heart needs to be disease-free. But “heart health” in holistic terms also includes the subtle and emotional qualities of the heart—tenderness, love, acceptance, and compassion. Your whole system, including how you breathe, think, and feel, meet...
How Meditation Helps Your Immune System Do its Job
Your immune system is one of the most critical, and most fascinating, aspects of the mind-body connection. For a long time, the ability of immune cells to attack invading disease organisms was considered purely physical, even though the mechanism was not completely understood.Then, in the ‘80s it was discovered that the immune system is highly intelligent; it became known as...
How to Approach Your First Meditation
Thirty years ago, when I first wrote about the mind-body connection, there was convincing research about the benefits of daily meditation. It steadily entered people’s minds that they could expect good things to happen to them, from physical effects like lower blood pressure to mental effects like a sense of inner peace. Today, these positive effects have expanded many times...
Wisdom for the Winter Season
Winter is the coldest season, but on the subtle level it’s a time of rest, peace, inner focus, stillness, and reflection. You will gain a lot by focusing your meditation on these values. The flow of life naturally slows down and turns inward in this season, and it strains the physiology to resist this rhythm. Thoreau put it beautifully: "Live...
The Science of Miracles: Perception Versus Reality
In its ambition to explain every aspect of the natural world, modern science has sidestepped very few problems. Some mysteries are so difficult that they defy the scientific method. It’s hard to conceive of experiments that will tell us what happened before time and space emerged, for example. But two mysteries have been consistently sidestepped for decades out of prejudice....
A Spiritual Mystery: Does God Listen to Prayers? (Part III)
Editors Note: Read Part 1 and Part 2 of the series, “A Spiritual Mystery: Does God Listen to Prayers?"It may sound odd at first, but there are ways to improve the chances that God will answer your prayer. In the first and second post in this series, we saw that the whole subject of prayer is filled with assumptions and...
A Spiritual Mystery: Does God Listen to Prayers? (Part II)
Editors Note: Read Part 1 of “A Spiritual Mystery: Does God Listen to Prayers?"To say that prayers are answered isn't the same as saying that God answers prayers. In the first case, a thought manifests as reality. You wish, intend, or ask for an outcome, and the outcome appears. In the second case, a supernatural being in the sky listens...
A Spiritual Mystery: Does God Listen to Prayers?
Without taking a poll, it's safe to say that people who believe in God also believe that he answers prayers. If he didn't, one would be left with an indifferent, distant deity who pays no attention to human affairs. This alternative is hard to reconcile with faith, and so believers are left with a God who seems to answer prayers...
The Secret to Personal Evolution
You alone are the explorer of your inner world. Of all the ways to unfold your inner potential, by far the most powerful is to use the flow of evolution. Evolution isn't just a theory but a force that has been working in every cell of your body since you were born. As a child, you experienced evolution as a...
What is Cosmic Consciousness?
Learn from Chopra about cosmic consciousness and how to achieve it. By learning about master consciousness, you can work on achieving it yourself. Learn more today.
Ask Deepak: Meditation Q & A
How do I quiet my mind when meditating? I have been trying for a long time without any success. I need help!Deepak’s AnswerIn meditation, any attempt to quiet the mind using force won't work. The everyday mind is full of thoughts, feelings, sensations, worries, daydreams, and fantasies. But at a deeper level, the mind begins in silence. Finding that level...
Free guided meditation by Deepak Chopra
Experience guided meditation by Deepak Chopra for free! Sign up online today.
8 Secrets to Free Your Spirit and Find Joy
Joy is a divine quality of our true self, which is inherently lighthearted, playful, and free. You can see the full expression of this joy in young children who haven’t learned to worry or take themselves too seriously. They play and laugh freely, finding wonder in the smallest things. They are infinitely creative because they haven’t yet built up the...
Be a Force for Harmony
“When we are firmly established in non-violence, all beings around us cease to feel hostility.” ~PatanjaliA few years ago a friend of mine was walking down a street in a big city he was visiting, and on impulse he went into a fancy bakery, enticed by their extravagant window display. As soon as he stepped in the door he saw...
Set Your Mind Free
Do you love your mind? For many people, the answer is “no” or “not all the time.” They often feel trapped inside their thoughts and emotions, at the mercy of a host of uninvited guests – the fear that roams the mind at will, the dark depression that takes up residence and refuses to leave, the anger that blows through...
Let Your Light Shine
As we have explored in the first week of the 21-Day Meditation Challenge™―Miraculous Relationships, our essential nature is pure, unbounded spirit. We are born as radiant beings of love, and we are here to be the presence of love in the world. Early in our lives, however, many of us had experiences that led us to forget that we are...
Let Your Love Flow
There is a center in the body where love and spirit are joined, and that center is heart. It is your heart that aches or fills with love, that feels compassion and trust . . . that seems empty or overflowing. Within the heart is a subtler center that experiences spirit, but you can’t feel spirit as an emotion or...
Embrace Your Life with Love and Awareness
For many years I wrote a column called Ask Deepak, answering questions about personal dilemmas that people sent in from all around the world, including India, China, the United States, Canada, and many countries in Latin America, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Yet in a sense, everyone was writing from the same place inside, where confusion and darkness had...
Discover Meditation’s Healing Power
If you were to ask me what the most important experience of my life has been, I would say it was learning to meditate. Meditation has been the key to my creativity, wellbeing, and happiness. I have enjoyed it in my own life, and it continues to be one of the most powerful healing tools we offer at Chopra.Meditation takes...
Harness Your Mind’s Power to Heal and Transform
In the past few decades, there has been a revolution in how we perceive the body. What appears to be an object, a three-dimensional anatomical structure, is actually a process, a constant flow of energy and information.Consider that in this very moment, your body is changing as it reshuffles and exchanges its atoms and molecules with the rest of the...
Clear Clutter and Enhance Your Environment
Perhaps the greatest gift of meditation is the way in which it cleanses the windows of perception, allowing us to experience our natural state of simple and open awareness. When we’re awake to our essential self, we feel happy, light, and at peace. In contrast, unhappiness is a state of complication and imbalance in our body, mind, and environment. Complications...
7 Myths of Meditation
In the past forty years, meditation has entered the mainstream of modern Western culture, prescribed by physicians and practiced by everyone from business executives, artists, and scientists to students, teachers, military personnel, and – on a promising note – politicians. Despite the growing popularity of meditation, prevailing misconceptions about the practice are a barrier that prevents many people from trying...
Find Your True Self Through Meditation
We weave lifes story from thoughts, feelings, emotions We live our life with expectations for the future meditation self discovery is a tool to find your true self.
Meditation Q&A with Deepak
Question: I came across an article that you wrote about meditation in which you said that to to be content in life spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally, you should ask yourself three questions everyday before you meditation and wait for the answer: “Who am I?” “What do I want?” and “What is my dharma or purpose in life?”What should I...
3-Day Weekend Ayurvedic Detox Plan You Can Do at Home
Learn our home remedy for detoxing the body that can facilitate your body’s release of toxins. Reverse some of the effects of chronic stress and detox at home in 3 days.
7 Ayurveda Tips to Keep You Cool This Summer
Ah, summer—long days of sunshine, picnics, vacations, gatherings with friends and family, ice cream, and good reads are just some of the things that you get to indulge in during this wonderful season!In Ayurveda, every season is governed by a unique element and its associated dosha. It’s no surprise that the warm (and sometimes hot or very hot depending on...
How to Balance and Recharge Your Diet This Spring
Ayurveda divides the year into three seasons based on the predominant dosha, or governing energetic quality, associated with each. Springtime, lasting from March through June, is governed by the Kapha dosha. Kapha combines the elements of earth and water, making Kapha a season of moist, heavy, and oily properties.You can notice these elemental qualities by observing nature. Spring brings showers...
5 Crucial Habits for Restful Sleep
Modern life works against sleep and its restorative powers. Instead of taking over-the-counter or prescription sleep aids, which force an unnatural state of sleep, try putting into daily practice these five habits for restful sleep, recommended by Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Ayurveda’s Approach to Pain Management
The most common reason people see doctors is pain—more than 100 million Americans are reported to suffer from chronic pain, a number larger than all the people suffering from diabetes, heart disease, cancer, dementia, and stroke. For pain, doctors increasingly prescribe painkillers. But this has led to prescription pain pills becoming a major cause of addiction and death by overdose.The...
Stay Centered and Energized During Vata Season
In Ayurveda the fall season corresponds to two major doshas or mind-body principles: Pitta and Vata. (Learn more about doshas here.) Autumn is considered Pitta as long as hot weather prevails, and Vata as it becomes cold. Late fall and winter are known as “Vata season” because they are marked by some of the same qualities that characterize Vata: cold,...
Is there an Ayurvedic view of plastic surgery?
Dear Deepak,Lately, out of my insecurities, I have been toying with the idea of doing plastic surgery for my nose. Yet at the same time, I am aware that I want to develop my spiritual life (I have been practicing yoga for 11 years and I’ve been teaching it for the past three years) in more depth. I am starting...
Holding Focus During Stay-at-Home
With a record number of people either in lockdown or working from home, the incidence of depression and anxiety has sharply risen. Relationships are frayed, and in the face of these conditions, people are often reacting badly to their current situation.There are coping behaviors that can help, and one of the best is focused awareness. Normally you focus your mind...
How to Empower Yourself by Shifting Your Attention and Intention
The word “empowerment” suggests something very desirable, namely, being in charge of your own life. But personal empowerment seems far out of reach during difficult times—a global pandemic creates uncertainty, economic hardship, fear of contagion, and widespread increases in anxiety, depression, and domestic violence. Who doesn’t feel powerless at such a time?Yet, there is one advantage to such distressing experiences....
Cómo Potenciarse a sí Mismo Cambiando su Atención e Intención
La palabra "empoderamiento" sugiere algo muy deseable, a saber, estar a cargo de tu propia vida. Pero el empoderamiento personal parece estar fuera de alcance en tiempos difíciles: una pandemia mundial crea incertidumbre, dificultades económicas, miedo al contagio y un aumento generalizado de la ansiedad, la depresión y la violencia doméstica. ¿Quién no se siente impotente en un momento así?Sin...
Daily Practices For Peacemakers
This program for peacemakers offers a specific practice for you to follow every day, each one centered on the theme of peace by our founder, Deepak Chopra, M.D.
7 Essential Habits for Peace
We all want to contribute to global peace, but it can feel disheartening when we see discord in the news, in politics, and even in our own relationships. But you can take a different perspective by setting the more accessible goal of creating peace within yourself – which then expands like a ripple to your relationships, your community, and ultimately...
Total Meditation: Your Well-Being in a New Light
How to Cultivate Total Meditation: Its basic principle is that the mind wants to be calm, centered, open, alert, present, and free of stress. You cannot change what you aren’t aware of. Awareness brings you back to yourself with calm clarity.
5 Secrets of Natural Renewal
Renewal is such an appealing concept that it is held out by advertisers for skin creams, vitamins, diets, and exercise machines. But in reality, your existence depends on every cell in your body knowing with perfect precision how to renew itself. There are hardly any cells in your body today that were there when you were born, and certain types...
5 Steps to Setting Powerful Intentions
Here are five steps for harnessing the power of intention setting to create anything you desire. Follow our guide & find the creative power to fulfill your dreams.
Existence and the Virus: A Healing Solution
Originally published by SF Gate.The COVID crisis is being fought on two fronts, medical and economic, but most people are suffering psychologically. The word “existential” rarely comes up in normal everyday life, but the crisis has created all the symptoms of existential dread: a sense of futility, anxiety about the human condition, and a deep fear of death. This comes...
8 Secretos para Liberar tu Espíritu y Encontrar la Alegría
La alegría es una cualidad divina de nuestro verdadero ser, que es inherentemente alegre, juguetón y libre. Pueden ver la plena expresión de esta alegría en los niños pequeños que no han aprendido a preocuparse o a tomarse demasiado en serio. Juegan y ríen libremente, encontrando maravillas en las cosas más pequeñas. Son infinitamente creativos porque aún no han construido...
COVID-19 and a New Way to Be Happy
Originally published by SF Gate.Diseases point the way to the future if we pay attention. This holds especially true of the global outbreak of coronavirus COVID-19. It is clear that some important lessons have emerged already. Some of these are obvious because they are so visible: Uncertainty is a major cause of panic. No one could miss that lesson. Economies...
Spring Reset for Your Home, Body, and Mind
Spring is a time of renewal and cleansing, making it the perfect season for deep cleaning the house and organizing desk drawers. But why stop there?While a clean and organized living space can be beneficial on its own, the same cleansing principals can be applied to your body and mind. And what better time for restoration than after winter when...
How to Get Over Your Anxiety
Many people, especially men, don't like to admit that they feel anxious. But in reality, everyone's life has nail-biting moments. The demand to meet deadlines and quotas at work can trigger stress, and under stress, the brain triggers the release of stress hormones that induce two reactions: to fight back or to run away. Therefore, we are chemically designed with...
How to Fight the Winter Blues
Many people report being down during winter, and their experience falls into three categories—all of them treatable. Let's call them the blahs, the blues, and winter depression (or SAD).The BlahsThe holiday season often serves as a trigger for feeling down. Why are some people at their jolliest during the holidays, while others feel down? Bad memories of family get togethers...
How Your Genes Can Make You Happier
When people think about genes, they tend to apply the words “good” or “bad” to them. Someone with talent or unusual beauty "must have good genes," we say. And ourselves? Depending on how your life is going, you may thank your genes or feel victimized by them. Most of the time, however, the average person will assume that their genes...
How Gratitude Can Make You Healthier
The mind-body connection is quickly coming of age. We’ve moved from the early stage when researchers were challenged to prove that our thoughts affect our bodies. The next stage was focused on how toxic mental patterns can harm us. Now a new phase has dawned, where “positive psychology” is the main focus. Gratitude is the prefect example of positive psychology.In...
FAQ with Deepak: Sleep Versus Meditation and Willpower Over Chocolate
Question: Meditation Versus Sleep?Dear Deepak,I've been interested in the subject of meditating and finding relaxation through it, however, whenever I've tried one of the practices, I keep ending up asking myself: Wait! Isn't this exactly what sleeping does?! Closing my eyes and letting go of all thoughts is exactly what I go through when I am asleep. I might get...
You Can Transform Your Own Biology
To date, one of biology’s greatest achievements, mapping the human genome, is only just beginning to translate into medical advances. But in 2014 there will likely be more headlines about another type of study in genetics that is already impacting everyone.We are referring to a different aspect of our genome, which radically revises a model that is decades old, dating...
7 Mind-Body Practices to Transform Your Relationship with Stress
If you were to eavesdrop on the conversations taking place around you, stress would likely be one of the most common words you would hear. People talk about feeling stressed about their work, the economy, global politics, deadlines, their relationships, and just about everything else. Many suffer from the emotional and physical consequences of chronic stress, which include accelerated aging...
Sleep to Combat Stress
Restful sleep is an essential key to staying healthy and vital. When you’re well-rested, you can approach stressful situations more calmly, yet sleep is so often neglected or underemphasized.There is even a tendency for people to boast about how little sleep they can get by on. In reality, a lack of restful sleep disrupts the body’s innate balance, weakens the...
Mantra: I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me.“Finding the hidden dimensions in yourself is the only way to fulfill your deepest hunger.”–Deepak Chopra Modern life is often so fast and hectic that we forget to nourish ourselves. Everyone deserves to thrive, which depends on paying attention to every level of mind and body. There’s a different kind of...
Change Your Story, Change Your Body
When I talk to people struggling with excess weight, the same themes repeat themselves, often for decades. Does any of this sound familiar? • “I’ve tried everything, but nothing has worked. I might as well give up.” • “I must be genetically programmed to be overweight.” • “I’m too old to start all over again.” • “I know I should...
How to Release the Past and Return to Love
We have all experienced loss, heartache, and sorrow. Nobody wants to go through emotional pain, but it is inevitable. Here is how to let go of past trauma.
The Power of Myth in Our Personal Lives
Most of us do not believe that we live in mythic times, and we look back on such times – when knights sought the Holy Grail and Icarus flew too close to the sun – through a thick haze. Why is myth relevant? Why bother? At best myth flickers in and out of modern life, making it hard to tell...
What Is a Spiritual Solution?
For many years I wrote a column called Ask Deepak, answering questions about personal dilemmas that people sent in from all around the world, including India, China, the United States, Canada, and many countries in Latin America, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Yet in a sense, everyone was writing from the same place inside, where confusion and darkness had...
Healing Through the 5 Senses
In this very moment you are seamlessly connected to the cosmos. The same deep intelligence that streams through the rivers flows through your bloodstream, and the same breath that nourishes your cells animates the life of a rain forest. Although it may seem like you are separate from the world “out there,” in reality your body and the universe are...
7 Secrets to Grow Younger, Live Longer
Only a few decades ago, conventional medicine viewed the body as a machine whose parts would inevitably break down until it could no longer be repaired. As a medical student, I learned that random chemical reactions determined everything that happened in the body, the mind and body were separate and independent from each other, and genes largely determined our health...
Healing from Depression
It is not news that depression has become a kind of invisible epidemic, afflicting approximately 121 million people worldwide. The World Health Organization ranks depression as one of the world’s most disabling diseases, and our best estimates from population studies show that approximately twenty percent of people will experience a serious, clinical depression during the course of their lifetime.While depression...
5 Steps for Creating Healthy Habits
A basic outline for prevention has existed for more than thirty years, but wellness has had a hard time making real headway. Old habits are hard to break. Our society has a magic bullet fixation, waiting for the next miracle drug to cure us of every ill. Doctors receive no economic benefit from pushing prevention over drugs and surgery. For...
To Have More, Give All
Commitment is the ultimate assertion of human freedom. It releases all the energy you possess and enables you to take quantum leaps in creativity. When you set a one-pointed intention and absolutely refuse to allow obstacles to dissipate the focused quality of your attention, you engage the infinite organizing power of the universe.There is no limit to your ability to...
Mindful Eating
In a world plagued by food shortage that are reaching crisis level, carbohydrates are the easiest salvation and yet the greatest temptation to abuse. Ironically, the same is true in prosperous countries but for opposite reasons. Where food is desperately needed, vast portions of the ecosystem are obliterated to make way for a small handful of crops, particularly rice and...
A Mind-Body Approach to Carbohydrates
In a world plagued by food shortage that are reaching crisis level, carbohydrates are the easiest salvation and yet the greatest temptation to abuse. Ironically, the same is true in prosperous countries but for opposite reasons. Where food is desperately needed, vast portions of the ecosystem are obliterated to make way for a small handful of crops, particularly rice and...
What Are the Causes of Back Pain?
Let the experts at Chopra help you understand the common cause of back pain, treatments for it, and how to prevent it going forward.
Why Is Asthma on the Rise?
Asthma is one of the most common diseases in the world, with as many as 300 million sufferers. We’ve all seen what an asthma attack looks like, the typical symptoms being shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and tightness in the chest. Because natural breathing is something most of us take for granted, asthma is a distressing disruption. Each day you...
The Fat You Eat: A Study in Paradox
The whole issue of fat in the diet should be simple, as it once was. Doctors followed the dictum of “fat puts on fat,” assigning blame for overweight on a fatty diet. Of the three major sources of calories – fats, proteins, and carbohydrates – the one with the most calories per gram (8) is fat. It only makes sense...
Take Charge of Your Own Wellness
A basic outline for prevention has existed for more than thirty years, but wellness has had a hard time making real headway. Old habits are hard to break. Our society has a magic bullet fixation, waiting for the next miracle drug to cure us of every ill. Doctors receive no economic benefit from pushing prevention over drugs and surgery. For...
Type 2 Diabetes and the Circle of Life
Type 2 diabetes has become an increasing problem in modern America. Because it is chiefly linked to obesity, as more people become overweight, and as the age of gaining weight reaches down into childhood, a largely preventable disease turns into an epidemic. The litany about such lifestyle disorders is now familiar to almost everyone. The changes that prevent Type 2...
No More Laughing at Fat Kids
It’s a paradox that a problem like childhood obesity should crop up in a country like America where we are flooded with information about nutrition. At any age, obesity is generally considered a lifestyle disorder. Only a small percentage of patients suffers from hormonal issues, for example. For everyone else, weight gain is related to choices that we can make...
Why is Asthma More Prevalent Than Ever?
Asthma is one of the most common diseases in the world, with as many as 300 million sufferers. We’ve all seen what an asthma attack looks like, the typical symptoms being shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and tightness in the chest. Because easy, natural breathing is something everyone takes for granted, asthma is a distressing disruption. Each day you breathe...
Are You Depressed?
It’s not news that depression has become a kind of invisible epidemic, afflicting millions of people. We live at a time when depression is approached as a disease. That has a good side. Depressed people are not judged against as weak or self-indulgent, as if they only need to try harder to lift themselves out of their sadness. Yet depression,...
How People Actually Lose Weight
Our bodies are designed to remain in balance, and when they go out of balance, a natural mechanism has been interfered with. Usually this occurs through decisions that we make that turn into habits. Decisions are conscious and can be reversed. Habits are unconscious and are considerably harder to reverse. Even so, the more awareness you can bring to any...
Deepak Chopra’s Weekly Health Tip
While most of us don’t spend much time thinking about our colon, it plays a vital role in our health, balance, and energy levels. Everything we ingest, is eventually processed in our colon, which is exposed to all the indigestible toxins that are left after we have absorbed everything that is nourishing. After many years of exposure, these toxins can...
5 Health Benefits of Quinoa
Quinoa (pronounced “keen-wah”) is known as an ancient Andean grain, but it’s not a grain—it’s a seed! Quinoa seeds originated and is cultivated in South America along the Andes mountains. It comes from a stress-tolerant plant known as an Amaranthacean and has been cultivated for 4,000–5,000 years. It has become a staple in many modern diets.Is Quinoa Healthy?Because quinoa is...
5 Ways to Use Food as Medicine
“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”—Ayurvedic proverbIt’s hard not to notice the books, documentaries, and podcasts that present research on the association between diet and chronic disease or illness. Emotional well-being is also affected by diet, something that can be overlooked when seeking treatment for mental health issues....
Avoid These 7 Foods to Reduce Bloating
Bloating is a build-up of gas in the digestive system, which can make your stomach bulge. Bloating is uncomfortable and painful; it’s that bowling-ball-in-the-stomach feeling.Sometimes bloating feels like intense pain that you can’t shake. If you experience bloating, whether it’s on a daily basis or from time to time, avoid these seven foods that have been shown to increase, or...
A Dietitian Breaks Down 4 Popular Diets
Many of you may be focused on healthy weight management at the end of the year. With the seemingly endless string of fad diets, differing “expert” opinions, and conflicting information out there, it can be hard to grasp why some styles of eating come highly recommended by dietitians. The following is a breakdown of four popular diets as explained by...
Hypertension: A Lifestyle Disorder Needs a Lifetime of Attention
The term “lifestyle disorder” had to be invented to describe hypertension. Almost no aspect of daily life – diet, sleep, exercise, work, and stress – can be implicated. Your blood pressure responds to these things quite sensitively. This implies an optimistic attitude, because for many sufferers, a change in lifestyle serves as good prevention. But optimism is lost if lifestyle...
3 Ways You Can Benefit from Your Chakras
You may have a basic understanding of the seven chakras, but do you know how to benefit from them? Here is an overview of the benefits of chakra balancing.
Deepak Explains the Deeper Meaning of Yoga
In the past two decades, yoga has moved from relative anonymity in the West to a well-recognized practice offered in thousands of studios, community centers, hospitals, gyms, and health clubs. Although yoga is commonly portrayed as a popular fitness trend, it’s actually the core of the Vedic science that developed in the Indus Valley more than five thousand years ago.The...
One World with Deepak Chopra
ONE WORLD WITH DEEPAK CHOPRA entertainment with intimate conversations around health & wellness, business & trade, love & relationships, and imagination & creativity..ONE WORLD GUESTS ..are modern day investors for a better tomorrow..DEEPAK CHOPRA. is dubbed as one of "The top 100 heroes and icons of the century " and credited as "the poet-prophet of alternative medicine", by Time...
Find Your Purpose and Grow at the Same Time
Purpose and inner growth come from the same source. Find and live from this source to unite all your goals and aspirations.
La Abundancia y la Visión del Yoga
El éxito y la abundancia son cosas deseables, pero el camino para alcanzarlas, el camino que ha entrado en la mitología popular, implica lucha, trabajo arduo, impulso competitivo, estrés y, si quieres riquezas reales, una racha despiadada. Este camino va en contra de llevar una vida feliz y, por lo tanto, la mayoría de las personas se sienten desanimadas por...
Abundance and the Vision of Yoga
Success and abundance are desirable things, yet the path to achieving them, the path that has entered popular mythology, involves struggle, arduous work, competitive drive, stress, and if you want real riches—a ruthless streak. This path runs contrary to leading a happy life, and most people therefore feel discouraged by the struggle before they have gone very far on such...
The Best Way to Get Unstuck
Sticky is a useful term for experiences that leave a deep impression, because they stick around and at the same time stick like glue. If you find yourself feeling the same emotion over and over again—for example, frustration, anger, anxiety, or depression—you are not living in the present. Instead, the past is coming back for an unwanted visit.Here are three...
6 Steps for Creating Abundance
Bringing meditation of abundance into your life is more than a game of chance—it’s about creating the life you want. Here are the guidelines for creating abundance.
How to Avoid Holiday Distress with Your Family
For some people, dealing with your family can be a stressful time during the holidays. Learn how to deal with this distress from the experts at Chopra.
5 Ways to Make 2021 Your Reset Year
No one escaped the negative effects of the pandemic. Here are five resets you can undertake for 2021 to bring wellness back to your life.
The New American Dream? It’s Already Here
Originally Published by SF GateIn this country, you’d have to be willfully ignorant to not know about racism, police brutality, income inequality, global warming, the staggering cost of medical care, and the rapacious activity of huge international corporations.A secondary benefit of a massive crisis is that change can occur. People have waked up enough to protest racism and police brutality....
What Is Your Role in the Crisis? Be Generous of Spirit
There’s a beautiful image in the Indian spiritual tradition—a tree so laden with fruit that its branches bow down close to earth. Delighted, people rush up to take advantage of this fruit so freely given. What the tree represents is generosity of spirit. When your spirit overflows, it is only natural to give freely of yourself. This is known as...
The Virus Can Give Your Life More Meaning
Originally published by SF Gate. One way to respond in a crisis is to reduce its threat. The other way is to add to the threat. The coronavirus COVID-19 might be the first collective crisis that many people have faced, and it poses an uncertain future in every country that confronts it. But this doesn’t change the two choices just...
8 Ways to Do Less This Year
In theory, it sounds simple: To do less, simply do less. In practice, however, it’s not that simple. In fact, it’s actually pretty difficult. Many aspects of our modern culture encourage chasing after more. More money, more material possessions, more status, more of everything. Everywhere you turn, the message of limitlessness abounds. And although for a split second it may...
Metahuman: The Best Solution to Personal Problems
Anytime that I’ve written or spoken about consciousness, someone is bound to ask, “But what should I do?” This is only natural. When faced with a challenge, problem, obstacle, or even a desired goal, people automatically want to do something. They feel helpless if they don’t.A Cloud of CausesThis reaction may be so ingrained in you that you may miss...
Embracing Responsibility: The Gateway to Freedom
“A sign of wisdom and maturity is when you come to terms with the realization that your decisions cause your rewards and consequences. You are responsible for your life, and your ultimate success depends on the choices you make.” - Dennis Waitley, motivational speaker and authorA key milestone in your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual growth is the cultivation of...
6 Creative Rituals That Will Make You Happier
Do you ever just get lost in the moment? Do you get so engrossed in a project or engaged with what’s in front of you that you lose track of time? If you answered no, it’s time for a change! Psychology professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi writes in Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience that those who are able to connect to...
8 Tips for Cultivating a Beginner's Mind
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few." -Shunryu SuzukiIf it’s true what they say, that no one likes a know-it-all, what happens when the know-it-all lives in your head? Funny enough, when people think they know all there is to know on a subject, they prove to be more closed-minded. And daresay,...
Gifts that Give: 8 Gifts that Inspire Compassion
Holiday shopping can be a drag to say the least. It’s not easy during the hectic holiday season to search high and low for the perfect gift, and material items often lack true meaning. What if your gift could inspire someone to lead a more compassionate and fulfilling life? That would truly be a gift that keeps on giving.Here are...
5 Unique Things You Missed If You Weren’t at Our Women’s Retreat
Did you miss the inaugural Women’s Retreat? Check out the highlights to get a sense for the connection, learning, and transformation that took place.1. A Sacred, Inspiring, Uplifting CommunityWe danced, hugged, and shared deeply personal stories and aspirations for our lives. At times we laughed, other times we cried, and by the end of the three-day retreat, we felt more...
To Change Your Life, Change Your Core Beliefs
Beliefs are the truths people hold on to and guide their lives by. The power of belief can trap you, as in the belief that you deserve only a limited amount of happiness. Or belief can free you, as in the belief that you are safe and protected in the cosmic plan. When you open your awareness to your strongest...
How to Prioritize Spiritual and Financial Success
Modern society has reversed the priorities that once ruled society in an age of faith, where spiritual advancement (i.e., avoiding sin and pleasing God) came first and worldly success second. Today many people are rediscovering the spiritual path, but even so they approach it as an add-on to a life that faces all kinds of real-life challenges, especially financial ones....
The Conscious Way to Make Dreams Come True
When we speak of dreams coming true, we are talking about some form of desire. Beyond the basic necessities for food, water, and shelter, which are enough to satisfy the desire to survive, human beings invent countless other desires.What we all experience is that some of our desires come true while others don't. That seems clear enough, but in fact...
Life Expectations: Are You Where You Thought You Would Be?
What you expect from life is crucially important, but how is this measured? A leading measure of how well a society is doing touches upon expectations. Well-being is correlated with how many people report that they are thriving, and you'd expect that in prosperous developed countries, a healthy percentage of people think they are thriving. However, very few societies can...
How Nature Can Help You to Evolve
One of the major trends in society today is that millions of people are choosing to improve their inner lives through meditation, Yoga, contemplative practices, and more positive lifestyle choices that reduce stress and chronic illness. This individual effort feels personal, of course, but all evolution happens in the surroundings of Nature. Evolution is a natural force. We see it...
5 Ways to Beat Fear in a Scary World
We live in a world that causes people to feel anxious on a daily basis, either by reading about terrifying events or worrying that another may occur. In a historical sense, there has never been a time when fear and anxiety were completely absent, and yet this doesn't offer reassurance—just the opposite. If you look upon the world as a...
How to Make the Most of Your Mornings
If you tell people that every morning should be like Saturday, they'd find the suggestion hard to compute. For most people, weekdays start out hectically; it’s a time when they’re under pressure to get breakfast on the table, pack children off to school, and get to work on time. By contrast, Saturday morning is relaxed, a time when someone can...
5 Ways to Overcome Past Conditioning and Form a New Mindset
Life was never meant to be a struggle. But your mindset might be making it more difficult. Learn how reconditioning psychology can help set you free.
Deepak Chopra’s Personal Goals for the New Year
Because 2016 marks the 30th anniversary of my entry as a doctor writing about mind-body medicine, I wanted to offer a special, personal message about this New Year. I hoped from the beginning that many doors would be opened—physically, mentally, and spiritually—by showing people that the mind-body connection was real.Every experience in life is metabolized by the body. We literally...
How Belief Can Change Your Life
Everyday life is impossible without holding your own set of beliefs. Just because belief exists silently doesn't make it less powerful. Most people are guided by belief in the work they do, their religion, loyalty to their family, and all kinds of values they hold dear. But there's a problem when your beliefs start to gain the upper hand and...
Failure: Is It Necessary for Success?
In a society that places a high value on competition and winning, everyone wants to succeed. It becomes difficult to discuss failure, which somehow translates into personal weakness, lack, or vulnerability. I’d like to reframe the whole relationship between success and failure so that both become part of a single process: your personal evolution.As you evolve and grow, certain conditions...
Retraining Your Experiences: How to Defeat Negative Biases
As an operating device obeying the mind, the brain is a miracle of efficiency. It’s amazingly good at taking repeated patterns and turning them into automatic habits and reactions. If you smile when you see the face of a friend, your brain has created a default reaction, a nice, positive one. If you can't end a restaurant meal without ordering...
Ignite Your Personal Power: How to Kick Start Your Life’s Purpose
Every life has a purpose, and in fact many purposes. Every day each of us is motivated to do many kinds of things. But this is different than a life which is guided by a single purpose. Accumulating many different actions during the day isn’t the same as knowing and achieving your vision. When a personal vision is found, the...
How to Minimize the Overwhelm: Tips for Success with Less Effort
Feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of daily life has become a common complaint, especially for those who are trying to balance marriage, family, and work.The external demands can mount up to the point where you feel that simply getting through the day is the biggest challenge you face. There are strategies for coping better with the overwhelm. These generally divide...
From Hazy to Clear: How to Gain Clarity About Your Life
Daily work and family demands can overshadow bigger issues. Learn how to bring clarity of mind and focus back into your life.
A Checklist to Learn Self-Compassion
Do you love yourself just as you are? The way that people answer this question reveals a great deal about their upbringing. Well-loved children absorb from their parents a sense of self-worth that lasts a lifetime. Receiving mixed messages as a child is more common. These messages include the following: I love you as long as you love me. I...
Spreading Compassion from the Inner to Outer World
Compassion is a way of connecting the love and self-awareness within yourself to another person. Compassion is more than kindness; it’s a natural expression of kindness and understanding when you love yourself. Without a sense of love inside, compassion has no foundation in consciousness.There is a path to loving compassion, as with any spiritual quality. The path has a beginning,...
The Health Benefits of Practicing Compassion
Compassion is changing before our eyes. A religious concept associated with Jesus and Buddha (known as “the Compassionate One”) is being researched today through brain scans and positive psychology. In positive psychology your aim is to reach a state of well-being. The actions of a compassionate person, being kind and sympathetic, turn out to bring personal benefits as well. This...
4 Steps to Turn Disappointment Into Opportunity
Change is stressful, and when disappointment strikes, whether in relationships, at work, or your personal health, the stress increases. At such moments you discover how good your coping skills really are. Because life is nothing but change, the part of yourself that wants everything to remain the same isn’t realistic. Beneath the surface there is fear of change, so coping...
How to Manage Your Anger
Anger is one of the most destructive emotions. It ruins relationships, intimidates co-workers, and creates bad feelings. So it's surprising that it's often an overlooked issue. In some quarters anger is actually considered positive, a tool for getting what you want.At some point, however, many angry people realize they have to change their tactics. They begin to see how negative...
Friend Yourself: Social Media and Your Personal Growth
There are more tools than ever to help you when it comes to personal growth. Consider social media: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram all connect people instantly. Sometimes the conversation is intimate, as when you reach out to a close friend. Sometimes it’s a global conversation.There’s tremendous untapped potential here. You can literally participate in a worldwide nervous system without leaving...
For the New Year, Do Something Better Than a Resolution
The custom of starting the New Year with a resolution has good intentions behind it. With a little self-reflection, we all see areas of our life we’d like to improve and bad habits we’d like to break. But for most people, perhaps as many as 90 percent, good intentions don’t get very far. They forget their New Year’s resolution as...
The 10 Commandments of True Happiness
1. Listen to Your Body’s WisdomOur body expresses itself through signals of comfort and discomfort. When choosing a certain behavior, ask your body, “How do you feel about this?” If your body sends a signal of physical or emotional distress, watch out. If your body sends a signal of comfort and eagerness, proceed.2. Live in the PresentThe present is the...
Discover and Fulfill Your Life’s Purpose
Why am I here? What is my purpose? How do I discover and fulfill my deepest mission?These are questions that we all ask at one time or another. Sometimes we discover the answers early on, but often we continue to ask these questions throughout our lives. As we grow and mature, the answers to these questions continue to evolve as...
Create the Next Chapter of Your Life’s Story
Just for a moment, pause and consider all of the roles you have played so far in your life. For example, my life roles have included son, brother, husband, father, student, doctor, author, speaker, and teacher. These have all been fulfilling roles yet they are not who I really am. The real me—and the real you—is infinite and unbounded. Yet...
How to Communicate Your Emotional Needs in Relationships
Learn what your emotional needs are in a relationship and how to communicate that with your partner from Chopra.
Dear friend,I hope that this email finds you feeling balanced, centered, healthy – and happy. Here at the Chopra Center we are excited about the launch of our Workplace Wellbeing program, founded on the principle of wholeness. As the world’s great wisdom traditions teach, wholeness is our natural state of balance, harmony, and wellbeing. When we’re living in wholeness, we...
Where I Work
Our work is an act of worship; and that's why both of my main headquarters embody the principles of healing.As a child my parents emphasized a few very important principles regarding work. They are summarized in the following aphorisms: Your work is an act of worship. Pursue the goddess of wisdom and the goddess of abundance will pursue you. Pursue...
Awaken Your Creative Response
We are all born as infinitely creative beings. As children, we freely used our rich imaginations to create entire worlds, whether we were building sand castles at the beach, playing “house” with a collection of dolls, or pretending to be our favorite superhero. As we become adults, many of us unfortunately succumb to the prevailing cultural meme or belief that...
5 Steps to Living Your Dreams
What are your deepest dreams and desires? What do you really, really want? You may be longing for an opportunity to travel or have a child. Perhaps your heart yearns for a romantic relationship or the chance to express your creativity. You may be dreaming of changing your career and creating more material abundance in your life. You may just...
10 Ways to Nurture Your Spiritual Life
Learn from the experts at Chopra on how to live a spiritual life. We have 10 tips that will help you nurture spirituality on our blog. Read more today!