
Purushartha: The 4 Aims of Human Life
These 4 Purusharthas are the inherent values of the universe. They are Dharma (righteousness), Kama (pleasure, Moksha (liberation), and Artha (economic values).
Unlocking the Power of Oracles to Guide Your Life
Have you ever held a problem in your mind and flipped through a book, newspaper, or magazine to see what it tells you? If so, you have consulted an oracle. Or perhaps you’ve explored one of the more traditional oracular traditions such as the I Ching (The Book of Changes), tarot cards, rune stones, tea leaf reading, or pendulum dowsing....
Harness Your Gifts and Fulfill Your Purpose
In his transformational book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Deepak Chopra describes seven timeless principles for living a life filled with love, fulfillment, abundance, peace, and joy. One of these principles is known as the Law of Dharma. The word dharma is a Sanskrit term that can be translated as our purpose in life. The Law of Dharma states...
Seeking Balance—Finding Your Life’s True North
In a world full of chaos, it becomes even more important to focus on balance for your overall well-being. The good news is it’s your natural state. But if you go astray, there are ways to find your way back.
Buscando el Equilibrio - Encontrando el Verdadero Norte de tu Vida
En nuestra búsqueda del bienestar total, hay un principio, una guía que, como un faro, siempre nos llevará de vuelta a nuestro estado más natural de calma y bienestar centrado. Ese principio es el equilibrio.
Discover Your Purpose
How often do you ask yourself, What is my purpose or my life’s plan? How can I discover and manifest what is most important to me? When providing Vedic astrology consultations, I am often asked these questions. My answer is, “Let’s take a look at what your birth chart reveals about your deeper self and the path you’re traveling so...
Three Yoga Postures to Build Confidence While Pursuing Your Unique Purpose
Following our own dharma takes courage. On the one hand it is deeply fulfilling and meaningful, and on the other hand it challenges us to overcome our limiting beliefs. Self-awareness and growth, again and again, are an essential part of the path. Obstacles appear, and we must figure out new ways to overcome them. Yoga gives us tools to find...
How Nature Helps Solve Any Crisis
If you were asked to name a major crisis facing humanity right now, most people would include the environment at the top or near the top of the list. Thinking about climate change, how do you feel personally? The range of responses for most people is dominated by anxiety, a fear that Nature is approaching a disaster that seems inevitable....
Alinee Su Vida con un Propósito
En esta tierra, cada uno de nosotros experimenta de manera distinta cómo es vivir su propósito porque tu propósito es tan único como tú. A menudo, cuando pensamos en la pregunta “¿cuál es mi propósito?” nos quedamos pensando en nuestro trabajo o carrera ; sin embargo, tu propósito abarca mucho más que eso. El dharma no siempre tiene que ver...
Align Your Life with Purpose
Living your purpose will look and feel different for every person on this earth because your purpose is just as unique as you are. Often when we think of the question “what is my purpose?” we are left to think about our job or career, yet your purpose encompasses so much more than that. Dharma doesn’t always have to do...
Find Your Purpose and Grow at the Same Time
Purpose and inner growth come from the same source. Find and live from this source to unite all your goals and aspirations.
Mastering the Art of Resilience
Everyone has a certain level of resilience. From time to time, we all experience stress, emotional upsets, and challenges in our lives. Resilience is the ability to withstand these situations, quickly recover from them, and be able to return to balance and harmony. Often our resilience depends on the resources we have to call upon, which could include friends and...
What Is Dharma? Discovering My Life’s Purpose
Dharma is your unique purpose in life. It is the process by which you use your unique skills and passions to serve your community and the world.As children, my father Deepak Chopra taught my brother and me the concept of dharma through his intentions, choices, and actions. We watched him transition professionally from a traditional doctor with a successful medical...
5 Stages of Dharma Discovery
A year like 2020 will have many of us asking bigger questions than we ever have before. What is our purpose? Why are we here? This is when the concept of dharma arises. I break these 5 stages down and the journey to remembering your soul’s purpose.
Stepping Into Your Purpose — Beyond the Doing
Spiritual seekers are often intrigued about why their soul chooses to incarnate on Earth at this time. Our purpose is much more than what we do and create. Here are seven ways in which we can step into our purpose beyond what we “do.”
Tailor Your Profession to Your Dosha
A dosha is an explanation of your mind-body type in Ayurveda. There are three—Pitta, Kapha, and Vata. You may have one dominant dosha or be a mix. Knowing your dosha can inform your life and decision-making.An especially intelligent, talented, and hard-working client told me about some difficulty he’s been having at work. He feels a lot of pressure—such as pressure...