
Relationship with the One
Life is all about relationships. We are in relationships with our friends and family, the people we work with, even those we met casually in the grocery store or sit next to on a flight. We are in a relationship with our environment and the world around us and, on a subtle level, every cell in your body is in...
Connect With Your Inner Source of Infinite Love
As human beings, we all have a desire to love and be loved. This is basic to being human and is our deepest emotional need. In order to love others, and to fully accept the love of others, we must first love ourselves.
Rituals to Tap Into the Energy of Abundance
Practices to welcome more abundance into your life.
Art as Meditation: In the Flow With Watercolor
Meditation isn’t just a practice of sitting in stillness, it’s a practice of presence, focus, flow, letting go, and freedom. And, in many ways, creating art can have the same effect. From pottery to dance, there are many ways to experience art as mediation. One way to get into that meditative state in art is through painting with watercolors. “The...
Meditation on the Koshas for the Multidimensional Self
One of the incomplete views of the self that many of us have grown up with comes from an interpretation of the Cartesian maxim “I think; therefore I am.” Descartes shared that statement not to define what it means to be human but rather as a discovery of a statement that could not be refuted. Nevertheless, as a culture we...
Discovering Your Essence Through the Five Koshas
The five koshas are the pathway to the deepest layers of ourselves. When we embark upon any journey to and through ourselves, we are taking a journey through these layers of existence. Each of these layers is seen as a veil that has been created for us to develop deeper understanding, to examine, and ultimately to transcend as we find...
Embrace the Power of Nurturing Yourself
We’re faced, every day, with stress, anxiety, and an overwhelming amount of stimuli. Our bodies, our minds, and our spirits absorb each of our experiences and store all of them in some capacity. With so much tension being held in our space, the commitment to engage in daily practices rooted in compassion, love, tenderness, and gratitude can be pivotal parts...
Harnessing the Power of the Cosmos
Pure Consciousness is the basis of all creation, constantly transforming itself from the non-local field of pure potentiality into the localized conditioned consciousness we call the material world.As Deepak Chopra tells us, spiritual energy, the energy that comes from pure consciousness, is the creative energy of the Universe. This spiritual energy pervades all aspects of life and by aligning ourselves...
5 Steps to Self-Improvement: Become a Better You
First of all, you are perfect just the way you are. You are. Yes, you. With your self-doubt and body hang-ups and failures. With your temper and your sadness and your joy. You are fantastic. Simply fantastic! And I wouldn’t change a thing about you. But perhaps you would? Perhaps there is some small habit or trigger or tendency that...
Transcend Suffering Through the 5 Kleshas
There are five causes of suffering. By understanding the kleshas, you can then begin to transcend them through meditation.
"I Am That": A Secret Teaching Comes Home for All of Us
I remember being shocked and intrigued by a statement made once by a famous spiritual teacher in India, Nisargadatta Maharaj. We never met, and Maharaj was not a prominent public guru. In fact, he lived above his small shop in Bombay without great fanfare. What he said was this: "You need to realize that the entire Universe has conspired to...
The Secret to Personal Evolution
You alone are the explorer of your inner world. Of all the ways to unfold your inner potential, by far the most powerful is to use the flow of evolution. Evolution isn't just a theory but a force that has been working in every cell of your body since you were born. As a child, you experienced evolution as a...
Self-Care Guide: Your Doshas and Your World
Because you are unique, adapting to the world is different for you than for someone else. One environment is beneficial to some people but not to others. If you want to practice self-care, this is a critical aspect. Ayurveda has been a self-care system for thousands of years, and understanding how your doshas work remains one of the best ways...
Understanding the Doshas at Work
When we find meaning and purpose in our daily activities, we experience vitality in our lives. We have access to an abundant source of energy, and we feel joy and passion in all aspects of our lives. When we are able to express our unique gifts and talents, while contributing to the happiness of others, we feel happy and fulfilled.Having...
Ayurveda for a Calm Mind and Spirit
Thousands of years before the advent of modern medicine, Ayurveda taught humans that everything in nature is interconnected and interdependent and that human beings, blessed with a sound body, mind, and spirit, are inseparable from the natural world, are an integral part of the living, intelligent, and self-regulatory entirety.Ayurveda teaches us that the way to create an alignment or “balance”...
Awaken Your Inner Child to the Joys of Play
Why so serious?I ask myself this question at least 10 times a day. During brainstorming meetings where no braining or storming is happening, or when my tween child makes a questionable fashion choice. When traffic is rush-hour level at not rush-hour time, or something fails at the most inconvenient moment—like a flat tire during a 12-mile bike ride, which seems...
Five Reasons to Attend a Chopra Wellness Retreat
We live in a fast-paced world. Take a break and rejuvenate with our mindfulness and wellness retreats in beautiful locations.
Why Renewal Begins with Hope
Hope is more than just positive thinking in tough times. Hope plants seeds for a new beginning while simultaneously shining a new perspective on past sorrow.
Por qué la Renovación Comienza con la Esperanza
La esperanza es más que un pensamiento positivo en tiempos difíciles. La esperanza implica la creencia de que, a pesar de la adversidad, existe la posibilidad de tener días mejores. La esperanza requiere un pensamiento resistente y una acción consciente. Puede alejarte de la rumia e inspirar perseverancia. La esperanza planta las semillas de un nuevo comienzo mientras que simultáneamente...
Clean Your Mirror: Looking at Yourself and Accepting Who You See
Here is how you can become the best version of yourself by cleaning your mirror, looking at yourself and accepting who you see.
How Mental Healing Can Still Flourish in the Midst of COVID-19
How fitting that the anniversary of the acceptance of my depression would fall around Mental Health Awareness Month. Last year, I had paid no attention to it; this year, I am excited to pay homage to it. However, like most celebrations over the past couple of months, this will be spent with the looming effects of the global pandemic COVID-19....
How Yoga Helps You Develop Self-Compassion When Starting Something New
Throughout life as we come up against challenges, we begin to seek more knowledge about how to take care of ourselves, how to understand who we truly are, and how to live a life aligned with what lights us up. We know that to feel well and fulfilled, we need access to tools, skills, and experiences that are going to...
I Went On Chopra's Explore & Restore Wellness Voyage and Here's What Happened
Join Alex May as she sets sail from Panama to Acapulco on the Explore and Restore wellness voyage aboard Swan Hellenic's luxury yacht. In this vlog, Alex shares her experience and offers a glimpse into the self-discovery workshops, daily meditation and yoga classes, cultural expeditions, and stunning accommodations. Watch her transformational journey unfold and the connections that form along the way:  Begin Your Journey  Interested in experiencing this for yourself? The Explore...
Explore and Restore: The Path of Self-Discovery and Connection
As you step into the unknown and dive deep within yourself, return to the foundations of restoration and exploration—cultivate daily mindfulness, connect with nature, embrace uncertainty, and practice self-reflection—allowing the universe to guide your way. For those of us on a journey of personal transformation, restoration and exploration are integral components of growth, allowing us to continuously learn, renew, and...
How to Find Genuine Abundance
Abundance is a baffling issue for most people because they approach it from a place of scarcity and lack. Changing your perspective is the first step is achieving genuine abundance.
How to Stay Positive During the Pressures of Young Adulthood
For many of us, our 20s can be an era of utter confusion. Pressure from all angles of life including uncertainty towards our career path, unbalanced relationships, and financial struggles appear to be thrown at us faster than a 90-mph baseball pitch. It’s as though the world is grabbing us by the shoulders and shaking us to say, “wake up,...
The Spiritual Value of Resilience
You can access every gift that the spiritual path opens up. Some of these gifts are well known, others are hidden. It might never occur to you, for example, that resilience is a spiritual quality. Resilience is the same as being flexible; it is the opposite of being rigid or stuck. In Buddhism resilience is defined by a simple image:...
Explora tu Espíritu Creativo
Cuando estamos creciendo, estamos llenos de asombro porque cada experiencia que tenemos es algo completamente nuevo para nosotros. Siempre estamos en el espacio de descubrir algo por primera vez. A medida que crecemos en el mundo y nos asentamos en la edad adulta, tendemos a caer en varias rutinas y estructuras que limitan nuestra capacidad de explorar libremente. La maravilla...
El Juego, el Niño Interior y Tú
Poder jugar hace felices a los niños, pero crecer cambia esto y no para mejor. Los niños juegan, pero los adultos trabajan. Esa es la opinión predominante, como lo ha sido durante siglos, así que veamos a dónde se fue la diversión de la vida y por qué necesita regresar. Lo ideal, de hecho, es llenar de juego toda tu...
Honor Your Process: How to Find Acceptance Where You Are Now
We can’t always control the circumstances of our lives, but we can control how we react to them. The way we respond to what’s going on in our day-to-day can have a considerable impact on how we manage, shift, and move through difficult situations. Meeting your present reality with acceptance is a powerful practice. Acceptance doesn’t mean that you succumb...
Explore Your Creative Spirit
When we’re growing up, we are full of wonderment because every experience we have is something brand new to us. We are always in the space of discovering something for the very first time. As we grow up in the world and settle into adulthood, we tend to fall into various routines and structures that limit our ability to freely...
Play, the Inner Child, and You
Being allowed to play makes children happy, but growing up changes this and not for the better. Children play, but adults work. That’s the prevailing view, as it has been for centuries, so let’s see where the playfulness of life went and why it needs to come back. The ideal, in fact, is to infuse your whole life with play,...
Cinco Señales de Crecimiento Espiritual
De todas las formas en que uno puede crecer, la mayoría están marcadas por aspectos externos (por ejemplo, hacerse más rico, más exitoso o con una familia más numerosa) y otras se conocen por su comportamiento y actitud, por ejemplo, volverse más feliz, más amoroso y más maduro. El único tipo de crecimiento que es totalmente silencioso, oculto e invisible...
Five Signs of Spiritual Growth
Of all the ways you can grow, most are marked by externals—growing richer, more successful, or with a larger family, for example—and others are known by your behavior and attitude—for instance, growing happier, more loving, and more mature. The only kind of growth that is totally silent, hidden, and unseen is spiritual growth. The Bhagavad-Gita says that even someone who...
Welcome the New Year with Intention
As we move into the new year, whatever you experienced this past year, now is the time to let go of and explore the adventures that lie ahead. Times of transition give us the opportunity to re-evaluate our lives, perhaps making any necessary adjustments to realign with our spiritual goals. Goodbye 2023 Oprah Winfrey said, “We can’t become what we...
Want to Build Deeper Connections? Start with Yourself First
Humans are wired to connect. That’s because, at one time, our cooperation with each other enhanced our ability to survive under the harshest of conditions. Although survival threats are far less today, people still desire and need connection.Research shows that social connection not only improves physical health, but also mental and emotional well-being. Everyone wants to feel like they are...
How to Choose Your Best Self
Wanting to be yourself is a natural desire, but also a confusing one. The mind is a wanderer, going anywhere it likes. All day it wanders not only from thought to thought but from self to self. Without realizing it, we slip from one self to another as the situation demands. This fluid sense of identity allows you to choose...
Release Limiting Beliefs to Realize Your Truest Potential
“To know that you do not know is the best. To think you know when you do not is a disease. Recognizing this disease as a disease is to be free of it. - Lao Tzu”Limiting beliefs aren’t created from ignorance, they’re created from the illusion of knowing. I know for me when I’m unwilling to acknowledge the truth–“I don’t...
How to Strengthen Your Self-Trust and Become More Resilient
Sometimes self-trust can be confused with thinking you need to have all the right answers or that you will always make the best decisions. However, self-trust is the solid reliance on your own integrity. It’s believing in and being kind to yourself regardless of outcomes.This isn’t always easy. If you feel challenged to trust yourself, know you’re not alone. It’s...
6 Steps for Creating Abundance
Bringing meditation of abundance into your life is more than a game of chance—it’s about creating the life you want. Here are the guidelines for creating abundance.
Resting in the Self
With all the stressors and issues in your life it can be difficult to give yourself permission to relax. Follow our simple relaxation tips to find peace in the self.
5 Stages of Dharma Discovery
A year like 2020 will have many of us asking bigger questions than we ever have before. What is our purpose? Why are we here? This is when the concept of dharma arises. I break these 5 stages down and the journey to remembering your soul’s purpose.
My 'Power' Story, by Jackie Cantwell
Here is the 'power' story of Jackie Cantwell, sound meditation and real-talk on mental health.
Limpia tu Espejo: Mirarse a sí Mismo y Aceptar a Quien Se Ve
Es hora de hacer añicos las ideas de autocrítica y empezar a aceptar, respetar y celebrar a quien se ve hoy en el espejo. Así es como puedes convertirte en la mejor versión de ti mismo.¿Eres rápido en pasar por alto las grandes cosas que has logrado a lo largo de tu vida? Cuando compartes tus historias con amigos y...
The Power of Purpose in a Time of Struggle
This article is dedicated to the healthcare workers, and others, who sacrifice daily in service to others.The current COVID-19 climate has given the world an opportunity to reflect, and I am no exception. As a child, I remember witnessing the suffering of sick people I saw on TV. I felt a stirring inside that I couldn’t explain, but I knew...
Self-Worth: 5 Ways to Identify Your Unique Gifts
Everyone has their own unique talents and skills. Learn from Chopra 5 ways to identify your own unique talents and gifts and build them into your life.
6 Ways to Combat Doubt and Uncertainty
You know it all too well: that sinking feeling that you’re not good enough, that you don’t have what it takes to succeed, or that you won’t be able to navigate this next chapter. Even for the most confident people in the world, there are inevitable times when doubt and uncertainty creep in and seem to take over your mind,...