Mindful Eating

5 Ayurvedic Practices for Aging Well
We all want to age gracefully, but sometimes it can feel like life is working against us. So how can we stay on top of our health while also managing a busy life?Ayurvedic medicine shows us that the key to longevity comes down to having regular practices. Just like any other habit, once a healthy practice becomes a part of...
Staying Balanced Over the Holidays
In the Northern Hemisphere, fall is coming to an end and we move into the winter season. During this time of year, people all around the globe are also preparing for a season of holidays. Many cultures organized rituals and celebrations around seasonal transitions that honor the cycling of nature, and the end of the year brings us opportunities to...
10 Rules for an Ayurvedic Diet
The Ayurvedic diet has a set of simple rules to ensure you make the most of your daily meals. Learn how your meals can be your best medicine from Chopra.
How to Use Mindfulness to Prevent Burnout at Work
For most professionals, the feeling of burnout is a familiar one. The energy that once filled your workday slowly trickles away. You notice your efficiency slip but cannot find the inspiration to regain it. The fatigue settles into your body. You can feel it in your back, your temples. Even if you entered your profession with lofty inspirations and a...
Create a Healthier, More Vibrant Body Beginning Today
Your body is designed to be an energized, vibrant, self-healing vehicle well into your centenarian years. Yet, in our modern lifestyles, the repair mechanisms which promote longevity and health can easily become compromised. The following practices will reinvigorate your body and slow the aging process by increasing mitochondrial density, lengthening telomeres, and inducing cellular repair processes.Reduce or Eliminate SugarModerate to...
7 Steps to Superhuman Energy
Every aspect of your life, from work and finances to relationships and hobbies, is dependent upon your energy. Abundant energy provides the necessary fuel to support important areas of focus while diminished energy leads to unfulfilled potential. The practices that follow are proven methods of increasing energy. When implemented regularly, these routines not only enhance energy, they slow cellular aging,...
Grow A Better Brain: Enhancing Brain Function After Age 50
It is a common cultural perception that decreased cognitive abilities come in tandem with increased age. Yet, neuroscience tells a different story. Brain research in the field of neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to change and adapt in response to new stimuli, demonstrates that memory, learning, productivity, and intelligence are adjustable factors rather than fixed points.The following practices capitalize on the...
Eating for Enlightenment: Why Mindful Eating Matters
One of the best times of day is when it is time to eat. Being fully present during this sacred time of bliss is of utmost importance. What we consume, how much, and what time we eat affects how we digest, along with our sense of wellbeing.
How to Implement an Abundance Mindset in Nutrition
An antidote to diet culture? Develop an abundance mindset around what you eat. Adopting this kind of mindset can help you establish a healthy way of thinking about the foods you add to your lifestyle rather than focusing on taking things away.
Cómo Desarrollar Una Práctica de Alimentación Consciente
“Los principios básicos de la alimentación consciente incluyen ser consciente de los nutrientes disponibles a través del proceso de preparación y consumo de alimentos, elegir alimentos agradables y nutritivos, reconocer las preferencias alimentarias sin juzgar, reconocer y respetar las señales físicas de hambre y saciedad, y usar la sabiduría para guiar las decisiones alimentarias.” –Cheryl Harris, MPH, RDEste artículo se...
The Power of Beets: Add This Veggie to Your Smoothie for Grounding and Nourishment
With the busy, always-on-the-go, lifestyle so many of us have become accustomed to, it’s no wonder many turn to practices such as meditation, yoga, and even art as a form of grounding or recalibration. Grounding — which is also referred to as Earthing — is a therapeutic method that involves realigning the body and mind with the Earth’s energy. Certain...
Eating for Health, Longevity, and Vitality
The search for a youth-restoring, health-promoting, vitality-producing elixir is ages old. Yet, food may be the closest you can get to the fabled fountain of youth. Research unequivocally demonstrates that dietary choices have the ability to mitigate the aging processes, improve immune function, protect the body from disease, increase mental acuity, and “reverse abnormal gene activation.” Whether you are looking...
How Eating Intuitively Can Nourish Your Spirit
Eating intuitively can nourish your body, mind, and spirit and also invite renewal. Honoring your inner wisdom is an act of courage. In a world that constantly and consistently tells you that you are not enough, that being you is wrong, and that you just need to buy this cream, or take this supplement, or sign up for this course...
Cómo Comer Intuitivamente Puede Nutrir Tu Espíritu
Comer intuitivamente puede nutrir su cuerpo, mente y espíritu y también invitar a la renovación. Honrar tu sabiduría interior es un acto muy fuerte. En un mundo que te dice constante y consistentemente que no eres suficiente, que ser tú está mal, y que solo necesitas comprar esta crema, o tomar este suplemento, o apuntarte a este curso para que...
How to Develop a Mindful Eating Practice
“The core principles of mindful eating include being aware of the nourishment available through the process of food preparation and consumption, choosing enjoyable and nutritious foods, acknowledging food preferences nonjudgmentally, recognizing and honoring physical hunger and satiety cues, and using wisdom to guide eating decisions.” –Cheryl Harris, MPH, RDKeeping up with a modern, fast-paced lifestyle can leave little time for...