Processing Emotions

How to Detox Your Mind of Negative Energy
These are uncertain times as the world navigates through what most would consider unthinkable in their lifetimes. The COVID-19 virus has upended life. With the amount of information flooding in from different sources, it’s hard not to become overwhelmed. You are not alone if you feel that way—fear, anxiety, and worry have become constant companions throughout this ordeal.Your feelings are...
The Benefits of Therapy
Being a therapist is as much about being present in your own personal work as it is about assisting your clients in their healing.
A Therapist’s Confessions: A New Consideration On Your Healing Journey
I have heard it all. “Isn’t that what friends are for?”, “Why would I pay someone to listen to me complain?” “What good is it going to do to dig up the past? I’m fine.” And my personal favorite, “(insert coping skill here): it’s cheaper than therapy!” Yup. I am a therapist. And these are some of the common themes...
Making Peace with Your Shadow Side
As a holistic psychiatrist many of my patients ask, “How can I love myself more?” Our inability to love and accept ourselves plays a large role the mental health crisis on the planet. We reject our appearance, our abilities in mind or body, our challenging personality traits, our family backgrounds, the conditions of our upbringing, our jobs, our bank account,...