Collective Change

Satsang: A Gathering of Consciousness
Being on a spiritual journey can be fraught with many challenges and obstacles. Questions, concerns, and doubts may arise at any time. We sometimes feel stuck or just spinning our wheels, in need of some external insight or inspiration. Or perhaps we just wish to share our spiritual story with others. Satsang provides the opportunity and support for all of...
How to Cultivate Resilience in an Uncertain World
Imagine driving down a road and suddenly coming to a detour sign. Without warning, you are taken off course, heading from a smooth path onto a bumpy road. As you maneuver and adjust to the new circumstance, you strengthen your capacity to expand and adapt. This is resilience.Through a change in course, we hone into our unique strengths and skills,...
Creating Support During Difficult Times
As we create space for ourselves to be supported, we can show up more fully and with sustained commitment to the healing of those we seek to help.
Bienestar, Activismo y Cómo Crear Cambio Duradero Personal y Colectivo.
Puede ser difícil acceder a sus prácticas de autocuidado cuando no se siente muy zen o en momentos de conflicto intenso y disturbios emocionales. Cuando hay problemas externos muy reales en el mundo que deben abordarse, ¿cómo se hace espacio para la renovación y, al mismo tiempo, se toman medidas para crear un cambio?Prácticas de cuidado personal y su activismo...
Well-Being, Activism, and How to Create Lasting Personal and Collective Change
It can be difficult to access your self-care practices when you don’t feel very Zen, or during times of intense conflict and emotional disturbance. When there are very real outside issues in the world that need to be addressed, how do you still make space for renewal and, at the same time, take action to create change?Your self-care practices and...