Time Management

7 Easy Ways to Meditate with a Busy Schedule
We all lead busy lives, but if you can find time to brush your teeth or watch TV, you have time to meditate. Here are seven ways you can squeeze meditation into your schedule.When you lead a busy life, the idea of squeezing in one more thing such as meditation may seem unrealistic—especially if the image of meditation is that...
7 Maneras Fáciles de Meditar con un Horario Ocupado
Todos llevamos vidas ocupadas, pero si puedes encontrar tiempo para lavarte los dientes o ver la televisión, tienes tiempo para meditar. Aquí hay siete maneras de incluir la meditación en tu agenda.Cuando llevas una vida muy ocupada, la idea de incluir una cosa más, como la meditación, puede parecer poco realista, especialmente si la imagen de la meditación es la...
7 Meditations You Can Do on the Go
Do you find yourself wanting to meditate more but don’t seem to have the time? Perhaps your image of what meditation should be is actually getting in the way of starting or maintaining a meditation practice. Whatever the hindrance, place it aside for now. Meditation is for everyone, especially for those who have a busy lifestyle.Fortunately, our modernized world brings...
10 Meditation Tips for Ambitious People
Ambition is a marvelous trait to have! Ambitious people can liven up a room with their determination and excitement. They are usually the ones who encourage others to stay on task and see the end goal as a certainty. Here's the thing that go-getters often neglect though: their personal down time and self-care when it comes to health, relaxation, and...
7 Tips to Stick to Your Meditation Practice While Traveling
Travel can be exhausting, especially when there isn’t any down time in between taxis, flights, meetings, dinners, and social obligations. Traveling also tends to be one of the biggest culprits of a self-care practice gone astray. It’s hard enough to juggle life—the alarm clock, the dog, the kids, day-planning, the commute, deadlines, emails, meetings, appointments, laundry, and meal prep. Throw...
How to Squeeze Meditation into Your Busy Schedule
You want to start a meditation practice … but … You have to be at the office early Your kids need to get to day-care You need to make breakfast—and dinner You are always running late You like to work out in the morning These excuses are all valid because you have a busy life. You probably have a suitcase...
Exploring Saucha: The Purity of Mind, Body, and Intention
Thanks to Marie Kondo and her Konmari Method, decluttering and finding what “sparks joy” is all the rage right now. Of course, spiritual practices around cleanliness and order are age-old practices, and the yogic teachings found in the Yoga Sutra contain powerful inspiration for how to create an inner environment for peace, joy, and freedom.Saucha means cleanliness or purity, and...
5 Ways to Unwind at the End of the Day
We live in the age of information. Status updates on social media sites beguile us. We have unfettered access to music, news, movies, and “reality” television, day and night. We are inundated with images, ideas, and responsibilities that promote an on-the-go lifestyle. While this ever-connected world has its advantages, what’s often missing is the importance of carving out time at...
Manage Your Time to Manage Your Stress
Stressed out because you have too much to do? You’re not alone. A busy calendar is one of the biggest contributors to stress. When we have a lot on our plates, we end up hurrying through our day and multitasking, which will only exacerbate stress levels.Deepak Chopra has some advice to the busy bees of the world looking to reduce...
Reset Your Brain for Peace and Wellbeing
If we look at how most people manage their day, taking time for peace and quiet is last on their list. They don’t see the difference between a brain that is multi-tasking – which our brains do brilliantly – and a brain that is overloaded. Yet finding some peace and quiet has tremendous benefits for the brain. It allows itself...
10 Time-Saving Tips for Healthy Meal Prep
Meal prep. Do those two words make you think of hours upon hours in the kitchen? Not only time in the kitchen cooking, but also loads of dishes and clean up? Not to mention the time it takes to do the grocery shopping. But before you can even do the grocery shopping, you need to do the meal planning. And...
5 Quick and Healthy Go-To Breakfasts
You may find yourself struggling to fit a healthy breakfast into your life. Between getting the kids ready for school, trying to get some exercise, and getting to the office on time, there is little time left to prepare a healthy meal. In addition to rushing in the morning you may feel overwhelmed by the variety of breakfast choices and...
5 Minutes of Yoga: A Quick Sequence to Do When You’re Short on Time
It would sure be lovely if you had two hours a day to practice yoga, but in this fast-paced world, you’re lucky if you can snag a minute in Downward-Facing Dog on some days. Author Gretchen Rubin says “What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while,” so in that spirit, here is a...
Expand Your Awareness to Expand Your Life
Break free from limiting beliefs, cultivate deeper connections, and tap into a wellspring of inner joy and creativity.
4 Benefits of Having a Life Coach
The New Year isn’t the only time of year to think about resolutions, goals, and intentions for a better life. If you are like many people, you may not even know where to start when it comes to setting and achieving goals for yourself—whether it be professional, personal, or financial goals. Or you might be great at planning goals, but...
8 Simple Tips to Help You Simplify Your Life
With books like The More of Less by Josh Becker and The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, people are talking about the effects of simplicity. Is simplicity really the solution? That may depend on the question.Simplicity will: Clear the clutter Create order Reduce overconsumption Simplify decision-making But despite what many are saying, simplicity won’t “make you happy.”...
10 Excuses Why You're Not Reaching Your Goals—and How to Push Past Them
You have an intention. There’s something you really want to achieve in your life, possibly several things, and no matter how hard you try you’re just not able to make it happen. It’s frustrating beyond measure. Eventually, feeling destitute and deflated, you trade in your ambitions and dreams for the ordinary and mundane.But what if you had a way of...
8 Lists to Make to Jump-Start Your Life
Want to jump-start your life? Writing things down can help make them a reality.Use a pretty pen, take notes on your tablet, voice-record these ideas into your phone to listen back to, or grab a few pieces of paper and start making some lists! Here are some lists you can try to help reduce stress and get control over your...
3 Common Holiday Stressors—and How to Cope
Holidays are a time for coming together with loved ones to celebrate seasonal festivities. And yet, the holidays can be one of the most stressful times of year for many people. Pressure to spend money, time, and energy on things that society deems important can leave you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and fearful of what may happen if you don’t keep...
5 Ways to Strengthen Your Willpower
When people hear the word “willpower,” there’s potential for different reactions. Some people think they generally have a lot of it, others feel as if they have none, and still others find themselves somewhere in between on any given day. While there is a common misconception that willpower is something you’re born with, it turns out that you actually have...
5 Ways to Reduce FOMO (Without Over-scheduling Yourself)
Do you ever feel like time is flying by, and you’re constantly on the go? Work and family obligations combined with fitting friends into the mix can create full days and may eventually lead to burnout. If you live by a “life-is-short”-type of mantra like me, you might have a hard time turning down opportunities to connect with people in...
3 Keys to Finding Yourself in Your Busy Life
The constant running between your job, family, and friends—not to mention the incessant pings and notifications from your smartphone—can leave you feeling like you’re on a hamster wheel; you’re running, but you’re not getting anywhere.This cycle of busyness can make you feel like time is slipping away. You might speed up to try and do more, but no matter how...
How to Make the Most of Your Mornings
If you tell people that every morning should be like Saturday, they'd find the suggestion hard to compute. For most people, weekdays start out hectically; it’s a time when they’re under pressure to get breakfast on the table, pack children off to school, and get to work on time. By contrast, Saturday morning is relaxed, a time when someone can...
5 Ways to Start a Technology Diet
*This article is adapted from the book, The Type A’s Guide to Mindfulness: Meditation for Busy Minds and Busy People.Thinking about cutting back on fats, sugars, and carbs in order to lose weight and get on a healthier path? I’d like to introduce a technology diet for this year’s health kick, as distractions are setting us up for unhealthy habits...
4 Practical Tips to Avoid Regrets and Live a Meaningful Life
Oh time! How many songs have been written about your passing? How many tears have been shed upon realizing your fleeting nature? Some of the biggest, most important decisions we make are about how to spend our precious time. Time is no small matter. In fact, it’s our most valuable resource.Our beliefs about time and how we choose to spend...
One Thing at a Time: How to End the Negative Cycle of Multitasking
Tackling one task or activity at a time has become a rare practice in a world that seems to place greater value on multitasking, much to the detriment of exhausted people everywhere.Most of us are hustling from the moment our feet touch the floor in the morning until we drop onto the sofa or into our bed at night. The...
9 Ways to Transition Gracefully into the Fall Season
As summer draws to a close, the warmer weather, longer days, and time spent outdoors begins to fade. The start of school (or work), cooler temps, and shorter days signify the end of summer and, for many, disappointment and depression can creep in.Saying goodbye to summer—and the swimming, barbecues, and vacations that tend to dominate the season—might not be easy....
From Hazy to Clear: How to Gain Clarity About Your Life
Daily work and family demands can overshadow bigger issues. Learn how to bring clarity of mind and focus back into your life.
How to Cut Out the “Busy” and Start Living
"Busy, but good." It's often our go-to answer to that "How was your weekend?" question posed on Monday mornings.Is busy what you want to be? Or would you rather be able to reply with words like productive and fulfilling? If you want to feel like you're getting the most out of life, stop glorifying being busy, and begin moving toward...
11 Tips to Balance Your Vata Brain at the Computer
Almost everyone is on some type of computer each day. Whether it’s a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smart phone, most people engage in the tech world on a regular basis. It’s exciting to have the knowledge of almost everything at our fingertips, but it’s so pervasive that it’s beginning to take over, consuming our time and thoughts. The challenge is...
Are We Teaching Our Children to Stress?
It’s always a hurried affair, getting the family ready for the day. You have to dress yourself for work, feed the clan, dress the kids, and make sure everyone starts the day with a nutritious breakfast. This can make mornings a particularly stressful time of day.If you’ve ever uttered phrases such as, “Hurry up and have your breakfast,” or “You...
How to Set Goals That Will Last All Year
The beginning of the year is a natural time to set new goals. Unfortunately, well-intentioned resolutions often fall by the wayside as early as the middle or end of January. You may start a new exercise routine or healthy diet with gusto but when the novelty wears off, you’re back to where you started.It doesn’t have to be this way....
For the New Year, Do Something Better Than a Resolution
The custom of starting the New Year with a resolution has good intentions behind it. With a little self-reflection, we all see areas of our life we’d like to improve and bad habits we’d like to break. But for most people, perhaps as many as 90 percent, good intentions don’t get very far. They forget their New Year’s resolution as...
Women: How to Move Yourself to the Front Burner
Many women have an internal instinct to put others first—family is usually at the top of the list, business comes in at a close second, and all the extra errands and chores on the never-ending to-do list slide in at third. As a result, we put ourselves on the backburner day after day for what seems like the greater good.It’s...
Transform Your Life With the Power of Ritual
How often do you brush your teeth? It sounds like a silly question, and your answer is, of course: every day. You don’t even think about it; it just happens like clockwork. As a result you have a prettier smile, less tooth decay and gum disease, and far fewer dental bills. In other words, this simple daily ritual is perpetually...
Dear friend,I hope that this email finds you feeling balanced, centered, healthy – and happy. Here at the Chopra Center we are excited about the launch of our Workplace Wellbeing program, founded on the principle of wholeness. As the world’s great wisdom traditions teach, wholeness is our natural state of balance, harmony, and wellbeing. When we’re living in wholeness, we...
Where I Work
Our work is an act of worship; and that's why both of my main headquarters embody the principles of healing.As a child my parents emphasized a few very important principles regarding work. They are summarized in the following aphorisms: Your work is an act of worship. Pursue the goddess of wisdom and the goddess of abundance will pursue you. Pursue...
Creating Balance in Life | 7 Tips for Mind-Body Balance
One of the guiding principles of mind-body balance is the interconnection of all things. Read our seven tips for how to create balance in your body and mind.