
Harnessing the Power of Ganesh to Remove Obstacles in Your Life
Salutations to the supreme Lord Ganesha, whose curved trunk and massive body shines like a million suns and showers his blessings on everyone. Oh Lord Ganesha, kindly remove all obstacles, always and forever from all my activities and endeavors. - Ganesh InvocationOf all the archetypal gods of the Vedic tradition, one above all stands as the most recognized and popular...
Spiritual Intentions on the Path to Enlightenment
Our minds are constantly flooded with desires, most of which disappear as fast as they arise. Those that stick and take a firmer footing move on to become intentions, which we could say are desires with more of a focus. These have been plucked from the stream to be classified as more important.The ancient Vedas say, “As is your desire...
How to Manifest Your Intentions With Reiki
Manifestation is all about calling something into your life through your energetic actions. And, Reiki is all about tapping into universal life force energy and channeling those vibrations for your highest good — or the highest good of others. Because both practices are energetic by nature, they are a great combination for not only setting intentions but bringing those intentions...
How to Use Visualization to Create the Life You Desire
At the beginning of a new year, many of us think about what we wish for our future. Sometimes we feel excited by the possibilities, and other times we feel overwhelmed or unclear about what we want. When we feel unclear, often it is because we think we cannot have what we hope for or we have been conditioned to...
How to Create a New Year’s Intention Candle
In many ways, New Year’s resolutions are ritualistic. They invite us to get grounded and go inward to ask ourselves what it is we want to call into our lives, plus what healthy habits or practices we might use to do so. With 2022 right around the corner, many of us might be experiencing a more reflective state of mind...
Four Practices to Reconnect with Yourself and Feel Refreshed During the Day
Reclaim your inner strength, find moments of peace, and step into your day with a renewed sense of calm and clarity.
5 Steps to Self-Improvement: Become a Better You
First of all, you are perfect just the way you are. You are. Yes, you. With your self-doubt and body hang-ups and failures. With your temper and your sadness and your joy. You are fantastic. Simply fantastic! And I wouldn’t change a thing about you. But perhaps you would? Perhaps there is some small habit or trigger or tendency that...
Love Thy Self: 5 Practices for the Harsh Inner Critic
With the New Year in full swing, it’s time to reflect on your goals and intentions. You probably started the year with boundless energy and the will to stick to your goals. Yet, if you’re like many others, you may have stumbled off track by this point.You are not alone. In fact, recent data suggests that nearly half of the...
Routines and Rituals to Balance Vata
How to round your energy and keep Vata at bay this season.
Reconnect With Your Soul to Manifest Your Goals
As we welcome in the New Year, resolutions might be on your mind. Your goals for the year ahead can fall under a plethora of categories: financial, physical, family-related, education, etcetera. However, the one thing that is going to make it possible for you to manifest these goals is to reconnect with your soul.Ancient texts of Ayurveda have exalted the...
Dosha Dreaming: Intention Setting According to Your Dosha
It’s that time again, when we are collectively dreaming about a new year and all the fascinating possibilities it could bring. Intention setting around the start of a year is a powerful tradition that actually dates back to ancient Babylon (~2000 BC). In those days intentions were most likely about pleasing the Gods. Presently, there is still a spiritual thread...
Transforming Our Habits Through Mindful Resolutions
For many of us, ringing in the new year with fresh resolutions is a great opportunity to bring awareness and attention to our aspirations to break free from our current unhealthy habits.Our vices fall under a category called Prajñāparādha, which is one of the most common hetu or causes of disease according to Ayurveda. It can be described in its...
The Key to Keeping an Active and Healthy Lifestyle with a Busy Schedule
Let’s face it, although many of us strive to be the healthiest, best version of ourselves, sometimes our hectic lives can make us feel like this is not within our reach. Many of us succumb to the demands that our everyday lives bring and leave our health and well-being to the last second. However, our health should be molded into...
Daily Habits and Practices for Mental Health
Discover how to create a daily toolkit to manage stress, cultivate inner peace, and build lasting resilience.
Four Daily Rituals to Adopt for a Healthier Mind
Thinking about ways to take better care of ourselves can get particularly overwhelming. This is especially true in our modern world as we have access to so many beneficial practices that we might start to feel the pressure to do it all — but none of that is good for our mental health. Starting small with daily rituals vs. throwing...
A Post-Holiday Reset
Hopefully you enjoyed the holidays with friends and family, celebrated the season, and ate some of your favorite foods.During this time of year, we all loosen up on some of our routine in order to connect to others and balance our regular yearly routine with some fun. That being said, now that the holidays are over you may notice some...
A Soothing Crystal & Candle Grid Ritual to Seal Your Intentions
If you’re one of the many seekers that enjoys creating intentions, practicing mindful rituals and contemplating, you’ll enjoy this candle and crystal ritual to start your New Year off with uplifted spirits. Creating intentions helps us to find clarity before taking action, so that our thoughts, behaviors, and endeavors can be more aligned with our purpose. Our purpose can be...
How to Empower Yourself by Shifting Your Attention and Intention
The word “empowerment” suggests something very desirable, namely, being in charge of your own life. But personal empowerment seems far out of reach during difficult times—a global pandemic creates uncertainty, economic hardship, fear of contagion, and widespread increases in anxiety, depression, and domestic violence. Who doesn’t feel powerless at such a time?Yet, there is one advantage to such distressing experiences....
Cómo Potenciarse a sí Mismo Cambiando su Atención e Intención
La palabra "empoderamiento" sugiere algo muy deseable, a saber, estar a cargo de tu propia vida. Pero el empoderamiento personal parece estar fuera de alcance en tiempos difíciles: una pandemia mundial crea incertidumbre, dificultades económicas, miedo al contagio y un aumento generalizado de la ansiedad, la depresión y la violencia doméstica. ¿Quién no se siente impotente en un momento así?Sin...
Set Intentions—Not Goals—for the Days Ahead
Many people set goals when they’re trying to better themselves. However, it’s often better to set intentions. Learn from the experts at Chopra on how to do this.
Explore the Reiki Precepts for a Flourishing Mind
Dr. Usui founded the system of Reiki in 1922, after seeking to share mind and body wellness. The system is founded on five foundational premises: Hands-on-healing Meditation Attunements Mantras and symbols Practicing mindfulness through the Reiki Precepts Although Reiki is often known as the magical channeling of energy through hands, it is seldomly known for its practical philosophy. The Precepts...
A Yoga Practice to Kick Off the New Year
Invigorate your mind, body and spirit and welcome in your new year with intention through this uplifting yoga practice.
Cómo Permanecer Adaptable a Través de las Transiciones de la Vida
Si algo aprendemos a lo largo de nuestra vida es que somos seres adaptables, capaces de cambiar en cualquier momento. A medida que navegamos por las muchas transiciones que la vida tiene para ofrecernos, se desafía nuestra capacidad de ser flexibles y movernos con, en lugar de en contra. Aunque a veces puede ser incómodo, todos tenemos la capacidad para...
First Steps to Creating a Life of Purpose
Pursuing your purpose doesn’t have to be intimidating. Begin with a few simple steps to point your life in the right direction.
Add More Zest to Your Relationships
Relationships are a profound source of joy, support, and engagement in most people’s lives. Yet, over time, connections may fall prey to the monotony of familiar routines, busy schedules, and fixed mindsets, thus, losing their ability to bolster happiness. The good news is that with a little attention and intention, any relationship can be reinvigorated! Whether you are looking to...
Endings: A Spiritual Birthplace
The car is driving away. The phone call has been terminated. Your moving van is packed. You are boarding the plane. You are holding your grandmother’s hands and telling her how she has impacted you because you know this is the last time you will be able to look into her eyes. You are rubbing your cat’s chin for the...
Use This Mindset to Experience More Fulfillment at Work
Early on, many of us are rewarded and learn to feel like we’ve done a good job based on reaching the goals that others tell us to achieve, receiving positive feedback, and moving on to the next goalpost. As adults, this definition of success isn’t working well for us. It can lead to perfectionism, burnout, and the feeling of constantly...
Cómo Aceptar Finales y Crear Espacio Para Nuevos Comienzos
Las intenciones son como semillas: desde el momento en que se plantan, el potencial de crecimiento está plenamente presente. Pero, al igual que las semillas, se necesita algo más para que ese potencial no se vuelva latente. Tiene que haber suelo: suelo que sea fértil y hospitalario para el crecimiento.Este artículo se publicó originalmente en inglés en enero de 2022.This...
Cleaning with Intention: How to Refresh Your Space in the New Year
Setting intentions for the New Year is an excellent ritual to invite more mindfulness and care into your life. Many New Year’s resolutions are centered around self-improvement — and for good reason. It’s a new year and we want to use this opportunity to improve our lives and ourselves. But, intention setting doesn’t only adhere to personal growth, it can...
You Are Magnetic
Kimberly Snyder is a spiritual and meditation teacher, and a holistic wellness expert. She is the three-time New York Times bestselling author of five previous books, including Radical Beauty, which she co-authored with Deepak Chopra.Chopra Global is thrilled to announce that Kimberly will join Deepak and friends in 2022 for Journey to Well-being, a series of free programming on the...
How to Accept Endings and Create Space for New Beginnings
Intentions are like seeds: from the moment they are planted, the potential for growth is fully present. But, also like seeds, something else is needed lest that potential becomes dormant. There needs to be soil: Soil that’s fertile and hospitable to growth.Acceptance is the soil in which we plant our new intentions. As we all have stood witness to, new...
Una mejor manera de hacer realidad los sueños
Dado que todos tenemos sueños, deseos y esperanzas, hacerlos realidad ocupa mucho de nuestro tiempo y esfuerzo. Pero el camino para hacer realidad un sueño es muy turbio y muchas personas quedan atrapadas en un estado de duda, frustración o ilusiones. Veamos si se puede encontrar un camino que tenga una base sólida con una alta probabilidad de funcionar mejor...
A Better Way to Make Dreams Come True
Since everyone has dreams, wishes, and hopes, making them come true occupies a lot of our time and efforts. But the path to making a dream come true is very murky, and many people are caught in a state of doubt, frustration, or wishful thinking. Let’s see if a path can be found that has a solid foundation with a...
How to Make Winter a Season of Personal Growth
In many parts of the world, winter is an auspicious time as we find ourselves deep in the darkness of the longest nights of the year, and the daylight hours begin to increase with the winter solstice. We can honor and appreciate winter as representative of a much-needed fallow time to nourish ourselves and plant seeds for our re-emergence in...
How to Remain Adaptable Through Life’s Transitions
If we learn anything over the course of our lives it’s that we are adaptable beings, capable of changing at a moment's notice. As we navigate the many transitions that life has to offer us, our ability to be flexible and move with, as opposed to against, is challenged. Though it may be uncomfortable at times, we all have the...
Stepping Into Your Purpose — Beyond the Doing
Spiritual seekers are often intrigued about why their soul chooses to incarnate on Earth at this time. Our purpose is much more than what we do and create. Here are seven ways in which we can step into our purpose beyond what we “do.”
9 Mantras Poderosas en Sánscrito y Gurmukhi
¿Alguna vez se te ha metido una canción en la cabeza? ¿Sabes cómo se repite una y otra vez? Si vas a tener algo repitiéndose en tu mente, puede ser algo que has elegido intencionalmente. ¿Y qué tal si dices algo una y otra vez que tenga un mensaje positivo? Repetir los mantras antiguos en voz alta, en silencio en...
9 Powerful Mantras in Sanskrit and Gurmukhi
These mantras from Sanskrit & Gurmukhi will help calm your nervous system and raise your energetic vibration and more. Learn 9 great mantras from Chopra today.
Cómo usar las Afirmaciones para Transformar la Historia de su Vida
Un componente vital de este diálogo interno son las afirmaciones-declaraciones de lo que crees o sostienes que es verdad.
How to Use Affirmations to Transform Your Life Story
Rewrite your story, one powerful affirmation at a time! Take control and become the author of your own amazing story.
5 Healthy Things to Do Instead of Setting Resolutions
The New Year is often seen as a mark in the sand, a fresh beginning, and a time to make changes in your life for greater health and happiness. While you can surely grow and transform positively at any time of the year, a brand-new year can feel like an enchanting time to envision and consider all you want for...
4 Keys to Following Through on Your New Year’s Intentions
It’s common to set goals and resolutions at the start of a new year. It is also common to throw in the towel soon after you have begun. If you’re tired of being part of a statistical trend or are interested in reworking your approach to the new year, there are some tried-and-true methods for making your well-intentioned goals last...
Start Your Day with a Clear Intention
Starting your day with a clear intention can make all the difference, helping you to stay centered, aware, and focused on all daily intentions. Learn more.
Find Your True North with Aim and End Goals
Achieving meaningful goals can be some of the most exhilarating, exciting, and empowering moments in your life. A key component of goal setting is having a vision of where you are heading. Your vision is your “true north” and, like a star in the sky, it is always within view. To have the ability to manifest all the things you...
The Conscious Way to Make Dreams Come True
When we speak of dreams coming true, we are talking about some form of desire. Beyond the basic necessities for food, water, and shelter, which are enough to satisfy the desire to survive, human beings invent countless other desires.What we all experience is that some of our desires come true while others don't. That seems clear enough, but in fact...
10 Ways to Strengthen Your Relationships
Every relationship you have with an individual is unique. You have expectations in your mind of how you think others should interact with you. When these expectations fall short, you react internally, externally, or both. It can be difficult to build or maintain friendships and intimate relationships from this place of tension. In the end, intention and attention can make...
5 Steps to Cultivate Self-Love
Self-love is a term that gets tossed around a lot—and it’s often misunderstood.Self-love is not just about feeling good or taking time for yourself. It’s a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support your physical, psychological, and spiritual growth. Self-love allows you to accept your weaknesses along with your strengths, and to have compassion for yourself...
Friend Yourself: Social Media and Your Personal Growth
There are more tools than ever to help you when it comes to personal growth. Consider social media: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram all connect people instantly. Sometimes the conversation is intimate, as when you reach out to a close friend. Sometimes it’s a global conversation.There’s tremendous untapped potential here. You can literally participate in a worldwide nervous system without leaving...
10 Ways to Nurture Your Spiritual Life
Learn from the experts at Chopra on how to live a spiritual life. We have 10 tips that will help you nurture spirituality on our blog. Read more today!