
How to Manifest Your Intentions With Reiki
Manifestation is all about calling something into your life through your energetic actions. And, Reiki is all about tapping into universal life force energy and channeling those vibrations for your highest good — or the highest good of others. Because both practices are energetic by nature, they are a great combination for not only setting intentions but bringing those intentions...
How to Use Visualization to Create the Life You Desire
At the beginning of a new year, many of us think about what we wish for our future. Sometimes we feel excited by the possibilities, and other times we feel overwhelmed or unclear about what we want. When we feel unclear, often it is because we think we cannot have what we hope for or we have been conditioned to...
Ask Roger: How to Reside in the Field of Infinite Possibilities
For the Ask Roger column, Roger Gabriel, Chopra’s Chief Meditation Officer, answers questions from our community. If you have a general question for Roger around meditation and spiritual practices, please send an email to, and your question may be one he answers next.In this article, Roger answers questions about manifestation meditation, managing uncomfortable emotions, and staying in the present...
Dosha Dreaming: Intention Setting According to Your Dosha
It’s that time again, when we are collectively dreaming about a new year and all the fascinating possibilities it could bring. Intention setting around the start of a year is a powerful tradition that actually dates back to ancient Babylon (~2000 BC). In those days intentions were most likely about pleasing the Gods. Presently, there is still a spiritual thread...
How to Gain Wisdom From Your Dreams
“A dream not interpreted is like a letter not read.” —The TalmudDreams can be fun adventures that you don’t want to wake up from, or scary nightmares that shake you out of sleep. More often than not, however, there’s deeper meaning behind the storyline. With the right intention, you can extract wisdom from your dreams, which can help guide you...
Focus on Your Sankalpa in Yoga to Manifest Your Dreams
There is a Sanksrit word in the yoga world, sankalpa, which is often translated as intention, resolve, or heartfelt desire. Setting an intention at any point in your life can have powerful effects, such as achieving your goals, staying true to your values, and making an impact in the world. According to professor and researcher Kelly McGonigal, “The sankalpa becomes...
Gleanings from the Bhagavad Gita: Life Lessons for Peace and Prosperity
The Bhagavad Gita is universally renowned for its consciousness-based spiritual wisdom, still relevant in the 21st century. The 700 concise verses in this scripture provide a framework to decode the science of self-realization, offering profound wisdom and guidance for leading a purposeful and fulfilling life. Join Dr. Deepak Chopra and me in a six-part series of LIVE Webinars starting in...
Watching the Seeds Grow
Early in the new year, we plant our seeds of intention for the year to come. As springtime approaches, we begin to see the inklings of growth from our many planted seeds. Similar to our flower friends, our intention seeds germinate at different times and never all at once. When we look at a field of flowers, we notice the...
7 Practices for Manifesting Creativity
As human beings, creativity is one of the most powerful energies we can tap into. After all, it is a natural part of who we are — which is why those who carve out time for creation often compare the process to meditation. “As we tune into our creativity, we are transpired to that transcendent space, the present moment, and...
La Abundancia y la Visión del Yoga
El éxito y la abundancia son cosas deseables, pero el camino para alcanzarlas, el camino que ha entrado en la mitología popular, implica lucha, trabajo arduo, impulso competitivo, estrés y, si quieres riquezas reales, una racha despiadada. Este camino va en contra de llevar una vida feliz y, por lo tanto, la mayoría de las personas se sienten desanimadas por...
Abundance and the Vision of Yoga
Success and abundance are desirable things, yet the path to achieving them, the path that has entered popular mythology, involves struggle, arduous work, competitive drive, stress, and if you want real riches—a ruthless streak. This path runs contrary to leading a happy life, and most people therefore feel discouraged by the struggle before they have gone very far on such...
Getting Unstuck: To Boldly Go Where You’ve Never Been Before
We all get stuck following the same old routines and patterns and there’s often a certain sense of security and comfort in doing things the same way as we’ve always done them. The question therefore arises, “Why do I need to change?” Well, if your habits are healthy ones, such as brushing your teeth, exercising daily, getting a good night’s...
You Are Magnetic
Kimberly Snyder is a spiritual and meditation teacher, and a holistic wellness expert. She is the three-time New York Times bestselling author of five previous books, including Radical Beauty, which she co-authored with Deepak Chopra.Chopra Global is thrilled to announce that Kimberly will join Deepak and friends in 2022 for Journey to Well-being, a series of free programming on the...
Una mejor manera de hacer realidad los sueños
Dado que todos tenemos sueños, deseos y esperanzas, hacerlos realidad ocupa mucho de nuestro tiempo y esfuerzo. Pero el camino para hacer realidad un sueño es muy turbio y muchas personas quedan atrapadas en un estado de duda, frustración o ilusiones. Veamos si se puede encontrar un camino que tenga una base sólida con una alta probabilidad de funcionar mejor...
A Better Way to Make Dreams Come True
Since everyone has dreams, wishes, and hopes, making them come true occupies a lot of our time and efforts. But the path to making a dream come true is very murky, and many people are caught in a state of doubt, frustration, or wishful thinking. Let’s see if a path can be found that has a solid foundation with a...