
7 Types of Relaxation Meditation to Promote Restful Sleep
A good night’s sleep is of utmost importance. Sleep influences your overall health. Sleep, and the unfortunate lack thereof, deeply influences the workings of your brain and the functioning capacity of your body. Ask any new parent, any graduate student, or anyone going through a high-stress period or experiencing insomnia: sleep matters!Sleep Is the Cornerstone of a Healthy LifestyleAccording to...
8 Ways to Make Daily Meditation a Habit
Are you having trouble sticking to your meditation practice? Perhaps you have every intention of meditating, but you run out of time each day. Or maybe you get flooded with texts and emails before the day officially gets started, so you skip your practice to get a head start. Perhaps you flat out don’t like meditating.There are many reasons you...
Detox Your Home: 3 Ways to Remove Indoor Air Pollution
Spring is traditionally a time of renewal. The air gets warmer, plants form new buds, animals return from their wintertime retreats, and many embrace the urge to thoroughly clean their homes.Typically, spring cleaning includes a focus on the things you see daily—the cluttered drawers, dusty curtains, and smudged mirror. However, the most important area to be cleaned is perhaps the...
5 Ayurvedic Practices for Aging Well
We all want to age gracefully, but sometimes it can feel like life is working against us. So how can we stay on top of our health while also managing a busy life?Ayurvedic medicine shows us that the key to longevity comes down to having regular practices. Just like any other habit, once a healthy practice becomes a part of...
Make Menopause Marvelous With Ayurveda
There are three major hormonal shifts in the life of a menstruating and life-producing individual: puberty, childbirth, and menopause. While the two former events receive a plethora of societal attention, menopause tends to be proportionally minimized. Individuals coming to the end of monthly cycles are frequently left to navigate their last major physical transformation using the physical, psychological, and spiritual...
The Best Sleep: Ayurveda’s Answer
Unseen by you, thousands of processes take place in your body every minute, and all are timed and balanced by biological clocks. Medicine is far from knowing how these biorhythms stay perfectly in sync, but it is known for certain that the master biorhythm is sleep. Missing even one night’s good sleep affects hormonal balance, digestion, stress response, and mood.It...
How Much Rest Do You Really Need to Feel Your Best
“Rest if you must. But don’t you quit.” – Edgar A. Guest The human body is smart. When you feel exhausted, you “feel tired to the bone”. When you start feeling sleepy, it is the body’s way of asking you to slow down and rest. It is the body’s natural way of letting us know that it is time to...
Ask Dr. Suhas: What Is the Protocol for a Castor Oil Cleanse? How Much and How Often Should I Use...
This month, Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar answers follow-up questions to how castor oil is a great purgatory in Ayurveda. The oil-based purgative supports the pathways for liver detoxification. It has a very lubricative effect on the colon and doesn’t dry you out like most common laxatives.
5 Ways to Have More Energy Throughout the Day
Do you find yourself barely making it through the day? Are you exhausted long before it’s technically time to fall asleep? It’s not surprising that stress is a major cause of fatigue and yet this is the state of being many people have become accustomed to living. It’s important to start exploring ways to use the body and mind in...
6 Ways to Make It Easier to Wake Up in the Morning
Do you find getting up in the morning a drag? Maybe you are a night owl and nighttime is when you have energy and morning is when you struggle to wake up and get going. That can set the tone for the rest of the morning. Even if you are not a morning person there are strategies to help you...
El Sueño, la Droga Milagrosa que Restablece tu Cuerpo y tu Mente
El siguiente es un extracto del libro de Suhas G. Kshirsagar BAMS, MD-Cambie su Horario, Cambie su Vida.En los laboratorios del sueño de todo el mundo, los investigadores estudian la respuesta del cuerpo al descanso. Observan la correlación entre el sueño y el estado de ánimo, el control de peso y la función cognitiva. Los grupos de personas pueden compartir...
5 Crucial Habits for Restful Sleep
Modern life works against sleep and its restorative powers. Instead of taking over-the-counter or prescription sleep aids, which force an unnatural state of sleep, try putting into daily practice these five habits for restful sleep, recommended by Deepak Chopra, M.D.
How to Get Restful Sleep
Restful sleep is the foundation for your mental and physical well-being. After a day of stimulating activity, your body needs deep sleep when your mind and body can rest and reset. When you’re well rested, you’re more alert, able to process new information more efficiently, and you make better decisions. On the other hand, when you’re sleep deprived, you’re more...
7 Simple Ways to De-Stress
If you feel that stress is affecting your physical health and emotional well-being, you’re not alone. An estimated 75 to 90 percent of all doctor visits are for stress-related issues and ailments, and this is certainly what I see in my medical practice. But don’t let this information increase your stress levels, for there are simple practices that you can...
5 Tips to End Insomnia and Get Restful Sleep
According to Ayurveda, sleep is the nursemaid to humanity. During deep, restful sleep, our body recovers from stress and we wake up feeling refreshed, clear-minded, and energized. Unfortunately, with the turbulence in people’s personal lives and in the world at large, many of us suffer from insomnia and a lack of adequate rest.While sleep medication can provide a temporary altered...
Evening Practices to Prepare for Sleep
How to create an evening routine that supports a full night’s rest.
6 Principles of Rejuvenating Rest
Quality sleep plays an important role in physical and mental health. Chronic sleep insufficiency increases risk factors for nearly every major disease. Yet, according to the Centers for Disease Control nearly one-third of Americans are habitually sleep-deprived. Prioritizing sufficient, quality rest may be the single biggest step that you can take to stave off disease and promote wellbeing. The following...
Natural Ways to Boost Immunity, Balance Vata, and Lean into the Joys of Autumn
Welcome autumn when school begins, the number of evening hours increase, and vata dosha characterizes the new season. September marks the perfect time to reinstate routine into our lives, as we walk in autumn air that cools our cheeks. For some, the idea of routine might sound restrictive. In reality, routines help balance vata dosha, leading to a sense of...
Sleep Resolutions for You and the World
These are stressful times. From COVID-19 to the Presidential election, one thing is for sure: the better you sleep, the better you support your life and the world around you. Here is why you need to get good sleep, especially now.
Why Using Personal Energy Management Leads to Vitality
Everything that you encounter can either increase or deplete your personal energy. Like a solar panel uses the sun more effectively when it’s not obscured by trees or covered in dust, your body does its best energy management when you have the right balance of sleep, nutrition, movement, purposeful activity, passion projects, social connection, and fun. Regulating your energy plays...
Sustainability and Sleep: Protecting the Environment Within and Around You
In this time of COVID-19, sustainability has taken on new dimensions. We must ask ourselves: How can we sustain not only our own health but that of our loved ones, our communities, and our planet? What can we learn from the natural environment’s response to the COVID-19 crisis?If anyone is experiencing the benefits of COVID-19 and its impact on her...
Comfort in the Darkness: How Sleep Will Help Us the Most Right Now
In Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, Hamlet the character begins a soliloquy, asking himself, “To be, or not to be, that is the question.” He is contemplating life vs. death, pondering mortality and the meaning of life. He speaks of dreams, “For in that sleep of death what dreams may come…” Yet, while Shakespeare, through Hamlet, dove into the very heart of...
8 Meditations and Mind-Body Practices to Help You Sleep
Sleep is a foundational component of the human experience. Along with wakefulness and dreaming, sleep is one of the three most familiar states of consciousness you experience on a daily basis. Despite its primary importance, however, in a modern busy life, sleep is often overlooked, undervalued, or taken for granted. In truth though, the importance of quality sleep cannot be...
14 Tips for Preventing Winter Weight Gain
While you may think that winter weight gain is inevitable with the colder, shorter days; the holiday bustle; and your inherent urge to hibernate more, consider these tips for taking charge of your weight and health.1. Eat Whole FoodsYou may have heard of the whole food movement. This eating style is focused on eating foods that are in their whole...
7 Habits to Protect Your Brain and Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease is a type of brain disorder that causes problems with memory, behavior, and thinking. It affects more than 5 million Americans and 50 million people worldwide. It’s a devastating condition that takes a major toll on sufferers as well as their caregivers.Over time, many patients with this disorder develop debilitating cognitive problems. Although memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s...
5 Health Benefits of Gratitude
Expressing gratitude is much more than the act of saying “thanks”—it’s the cultivation of a feeling that serves an important biological purpose. Gratitude, according to scientists, is a deep feeling of appreciation. Studies have linked practicing gratitude with an assortment of positive health impacts on physical and emotional well-being, including the following.1. Gratitude Can Lead to Greater Physical and Mental...
9 Natural Remedies for Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety levels seem to be at all-time highs for too many. It’s crucial to know that there are natural antidotes, alternatives to pharmaceuticals, to help powerfully regulate these stressors.
6 Nighttime Routines for Total Relaxation
Would you like to elevate your health, productivity, and mood? It is not as difficult as you might think. In fact, this task could be as simple as incorporating a few specific habits into your nighttime routine. The way in which you spend your evening hours can significantly influence the quality—and quantity—of your night’s sleep, which in turn has the...
8 Ways to Create a Healthier Sleep Routine in the New Year
A good night’s sleep is vital for maintaining both your physical and mental health. Sleep deprivation or not getting enough quality sleep can weaken your immune system, cause changes in mood and behavior, and even lead to weight gain.Fortunately, creating a healthy sleep routine can promote the ideal sleep you strive for—the kind that leaves you feeling energized and refreshed...
Reducing Inflammation Starts with the Vagus Nerve
Learn about the vagus nerve and how it plays a role in inflammation. Learn vagus nerve massages and other ways to naturally reduce inflammation.
7 Strategies to Help You Get the Sleep You Need
One of the cornerstones of good health is proper sleep. When adults don’t get the recommended seven-plus hours of sleep, problems arise that affect the functioning of the body and disturb mental and emotional health. When sleep remains elusive, it feels like there is no end in sight. The feeling of going to bed knowing that the blessing of sleep...
3 Ways to Improve Your Sleep Cycles During Winter
According to the Ayurvedic calendar, winter is ruled by the Vata dosha. Vata combines the earth elements of air and ether, or space. The cold and dark days of winter are often characterized by feelings of dryness, fast-paced movement, and lightness—all qualities of Vata’s earth elements.Individuals with an already-strong Vata constitution may find it difficult to get good sleep during...
Sleep, the Miracle Drug that Resets Your Body and Mind
The following is an excerpt from the new book by Suhas G. Kshirsagar BAMS, MD—Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life.In sleep labs all over the world, researchers study the body’s response to rest. They look at the correlation between sleep and mood, weight management, and cognitive function. Groups of people may share similar sleep characteristics. Shift workers, for example, are...
Sleep: The Most Overlooked Key to Vibrant Health
Getting abundant, restful sleep is one of the best ways to improve your physical health and emotional well-being. As you slumber, your body may seem inert, but in fact, it’s actively engaging in many processes to repair and renew itself, such as: Eliminating accumulated stress and physical toxins, including the amyloid that can build up in the brain and lead...
Circadian Rhythms and Your Internal Clock: 4 Ways to Sync with the Winter Season
The winter blahs are not all in your head! The time of year between the winter holidays and the rebirth of spring can bring them on. Shifting seasons, less daylight, and colder weather lead to more time spent indoors, and a tendency to be less active can push your mood, hormones, and mindset out of balance.There are biological and physiological...
A Before-Bed Routine for Restful Sleep
According to happiness researcher Gretchen Rubin, what you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while. Since you go to sleep every day (well, late-night study sessions, new parenthood, and the occasional all-nighter aside), how you go to bed can make a huge difference in the quality of sleep you get.Getting a good night’s sleep...
8 Ways to Improve Your Sleep Habits
Sleep is critical for good health and well-being. However, due to our busy lifestyles, millions of us do not get enough sleep—a problem that can lead to lack of attention, irritability, digestive issues, poor judgement, and drowsiness during the day.Sleep deficiency has also been linked to more serious physical health issues, including diabetes, high blood pressure, immune deficiencies, increased risk...
5 Ways to Get Started in an Ayurvedic Lifestyle
The first time I heard the word Ayurveda was a few years ago. I became a bit overwhelmed as I began learning about the Ayurvedic practices and routines. How could I do the morning routine if I had to rush to work and take my kids to school? How could I have the time to meditate in the afternoon?After some...
Sleep to Combat Stress
Restful sleep is an essential key to staying healthy and vital. When you’re well-rested, you can approach stressful situations more calmly, yet sleep is so often neglected or underemphasized.There is even a tendency for people to boast about how little sleep they can get by on. In reality, a lack of restful sleep disrupts the body’s innate balance, weakens the...
Being Alert to Sleep Apnea
Modern life has been hard on sleep. Millions of people resort to sleep aids, either over the counter or by prescription, in an effort to pass the night without insomnia or disrupted sleep. But as common as it is for us to complain when we didn’t get a good night’s sleep, there’s a very common disruption that tends to get...
6 Superstar Spices of Ayurveda, Plus 3 Recipes
Ayurveda considers food to be one of the most important pillars of health. You have heard the phrase, “You are what you eat.” Ayurveda takes this one step further—you are what you eat and how you digest what you eat. Digestion is the cornerstone of health and immunity in Ayurveda. This is where the magic of spices comes in.Spices have...
Evening Yin Yoga for Sleep
Try this restorative yin sequence to prepare for a deep night of rest.
Pranayama for a Full Night’s Rest
Breath techniques to help you calm your mind and support a good night’s sleep.
7 Yoga Poses to Help You Sleep Better
Can’t fall asleep? Too much on your mind? Body won’t be still and let you rest? There are yoga poses that are known to calm the body to help you sleep better at night. Setting up the conditions for calm and making these poses part of your nightly ritual can help you get a good night’s sleep.When you are well...
10 Healthy Habits of Successful People
While there is no magical button you can press to become successful in life, there are certain habits that the most successful people have in common. There have been countless studies done and books written about how to be, do, and have whatever you want in this lifetime; however, without certain habits in place, the canvas for a successful life...