
4 Ways to Interrupt Negative Thinking
Seeking happiness, joy, and fulfillment is a natural and evolutionary byproduct of your spirit progressing toward ever-increasing levels of expansion and awareness. Life, however, inevitably contains pain. When you become triggered by painful events, you experience mental and emotional turmoil. Negative thoughts and emotions feel heavy, dark, and burdensome. This collapses your awareness into defensiveness, anger, gloom, and worst-case scenario...
Creating New Routines for Peace and Calm
In a time of uncertainty – like we are living in now with the Delta variant, climate crises, and social, gender, and economic injustice – establishing a new routine is a reliable, grounding practice. A routine is like a ritual – a practice that captures our attention, and in the act of doing it, gives us a sense of control...
Empowering Children Through Positivity and Connection
Teaching meditation, mindfulness practices, and positivity to children is fun and fulfilling. Children bring a sense of wonder and innocence to everyday practices that remind adults of the magic and smiles that come with connection.As a parent, it is wonderful to guide your children with simple practices throughout the day and watch how they connect with their breath, feelings, body,...
Healing with Our Children in the Pandemic and Beyond
While the world turned upside down during COVID-19, parents, teachers, therapists, social workers, families, and community leaders have had the added responsibility of keeping children physically and mentally safe, educated through virtual learning, occupied with restrictions and cancellations, and also healthy and happy amidst overall uncertainty.If you are reading this article, please pause for a moment and take a deep...
3 Kid-Friendly Meditations Your Children Will Love
Teach your kids to love family meditation with these 3 kid-friendly meditations. Our meditation for children is perfect for teaching mindfulness.
Celebrate Summer Solstice with Meditation
According to the Farmer’s Almanac, for those in the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice marks the longest day of the year while for those who live in the Southern Hemisphere, it is the shortest day of the year. The solstice begins when the tilt of the Earth’s axis is most inclined toward the sun. As the astronomy experts for the...
Spring Meditation: Come Alive This Season
Spring has arrived! With the return of the sun, new blooms begin to sprout up all around. The emergence of spring may find you yawning and stretching after a nice, long winter hibernation. Your days may seem brighter, your mood lighter, and a new sense of inspiration may begin to stir within you. Have you noticed the bubbling up of...
5 Reasons You Should Meditate With Your Pet
Regular meditation has benefits to your overall health and well-being. Meditating with animals and your pets can also influence their well-being.
Laughter Meditation: 5 Healing Benefits and a 10-Minute Practice
In a world where there’s much to be taken seriously, it’s important to remember to laugh. Not to make light of the severity of war, discrimination, terror threats, or climate change, but to maintain a perspective that there is still much to be thankful for and to celebrate in your life.Laughter meditation is an effective and easy way to create...
4 Exercises to Teach Your Kids about Mindfulness and Compassion
As a parent, you want your children to be successful. But have you ever considered your personal definition of success? Although society typically correlates success with financial wealth, academic prowess, or fame, your values might conjure up a different definition. How can you raise children who are successful because they lead a mindful, community-minded, fulfilling, and compassionate life?Parenting with this...
How to Manage Stress, ADHD, and Anxiety for Children—Without Medication
In children, stress, anxiety, and ADHD can present a multitude of behavior issues ranging from anger, defiance, lethargy, and acting out. According to child psychiatrist Elizabeth Roberts in her Washington Post article, “Psychiatrists are now misdiagnosing and overmedicating children for ordinary defiance and misbehavior.” In a recent report released by the Centers for Disease Control, more than 13 percent of...
10 Ways to Meditate With Your Children
We all want to live stress-free lives, and children are no exception. Childhood meditation can improve inner peace, concentration, and confidence.However, meditating with your children on a regular basis can be difficult if you do not apply variation. A child’s mind is discovering what it likes or doesn’t like. Although I do recommend meditating at approximately the same time each...
Meditation and the Spiritual Life of Children
When they become parents, many people wonder how to impart spiritual values to their children. The traditional model of sending them to Sunday school is one alternative. But as more people turn away from organized religion to carve their own path, many parents choose to draw the entire family into the personal spirituality of the parents. Children grow up to...
How to Get Kids to Meditate
An increasing number of children have been showing elevated signs of stress, restlessness, and anxiety starting at a very early age. We know meditation is a great tool to find peace and balance amid our hectic lives—that’s why we enjoy our practice. How do we get our kids to love meditation, too?The Benefits for KidsThe Journal of the American Academy...
Ayurvedic Routines for Busy Families
Nearly every family struggles to meet the demands of work, school, domestic responsibilities, and extracurricular activities. Combined with the unpredictability of another pandemic-influenced school year, many families are feeling anxious and overwhelmed. While external factors and uncertainties cannot be changed, there are things that can be done to mitigate their influence.Adding a few simple Ayurvedic-inspired practices to the morning and...
An Ayurvedic Approach to Anxiety
The comprehensive Ayurvedic approach to anxiety includes meditation, yoga, dietary changes, and more. We also explore the use of herbs to calm nerves.
Basic Principles of Ayurvedic Medicine
What is Ayurveda? It is considered by some scholars to be the oldest healing science in the world. When this broad science is applied to the prevention and treatment of illness, it is referred to as Ayurvedic medicine. The word medicine may be a bit of a misnomer, however, as Ayurveda uses little of it in the conventional sense. Unlike...
How to Get Kids to Sleep | Seven Ayurvedic Rituals for Bedtime
There are many different tactics for how to get kids to sleep and we want to share with you seven Ayurvedic sleeping rituals we believe will help get kids to sleep and fast.
Keeping Your Children Healthy: Doshas for Kids
Finding balance is one of the greatest challenges in an ever-changing world. And keeping yourself balanced is difficult enough before you add children to the mix. They too have their own doshas and their own daily imbalances, and it can be tricky to figure out what to do to help create harmony for them.The good news is that children tend...
Connecting with Your Child During Quarantine: 10 Real Life Tips to Use Now
Millions of parents across the globe have become overnight homeschool teachers and remote workers. Daily schedules have been upended, routines disrupted, and helpful habits suspended in the face of this unprecedented global health crisis. Here are 10 practical ways to integrate educational opportunities, physical activity, family time, relaxation, and service into the days ahead.1. Use Chalk to Write Positive MessagesCOVID-19...
6 Ways to Boost Your Mood This Fall
As the days grow shorter, the leaves turn to shades of burnt orange, yellow, and red and are eventually released to blanket the earth. The air is a bit crisper. The seasonal change from shorts and sandals to jeans and boots is underway. Iced tea shifts to lattes. Fruits such as berries and tomatoes make room for pumpkins and squash...
7 Health Benefits of Owning a Pet
There are few things better than coming home from a stressful day at work to an excited dog or cat that is able to provide you with the comfort and support you so desperately seek. Whether you’re at your best or feeling your absolute worst, pets always remain right by your side. More than just a furry, loyal companion, pets...
Parenting in a Material World: 6 Ways to Teach Kids to Give this Holiday Season
The holidays—and the unfortunate materialism that comes with it—are here. Everywhere you look, messages are trying to entice you to buy more, have more, and want more.Retailers fire off clever advertisements, all aiming to attract consumers. Unfortunately, they don’t spare our children. You might not be able to shield your children from catchy commercials and colorful catalogs. It is possible...
Moderation Is the Equation: How to Stay Healthy During the Holidays
It doesn’t seem to matter what holidays you celebrate—everyone wants to eat over the holiday season. Studies have shown that the average adult gains between 1 and 2 pounds from November to New Year’s Day. Although this may seem insignificant, it can be enough to add up year after year. How do you get family to realize the entire year’s...
The 4 Elements for Happier, Healthier Pets
If you’re a pet owner, you want them to be safe, healthy, and happy. And that means being aware of their environment.Pets are sensitive by nature; their environment can have a profound effect on their behavior and level of anxiety. Fortunately, pets respond quickly to positive environmental changes.Here are some tips that will balance the elements in your home environment...
The Best Kid-Friendly Berry Mini Muffins
As parents of a toddler, we are often working and creating recipes that are both healthy and delicious for him to enjoy. We decided to give it a try with our take on mini-muffins, vegan and gluten-free!On a cold Saturday afternoon, we prepared these muffins, and they seem to be toddler-approved! My husband and I also served them for a...
5 Family-Friendly Healthy Winter Dishes
When you think of winter, you probably imagine heavy soups and casseroles or steaming mugs of herbal tea or cocoa. While those hearty foods are all delicious and comforting on a chilly day, there’s so much more variety you can enjoy with healthy winter dishes.Take advantage of the extra time spent indoors to get creative in the kitchen and discover...
Eating with the Season: 6 Autumn Produce Favorites + 3 Recipes
‘Tis the season to bask in the golden hue of autumn sunlight, to cozy up in a warm flannel, to snuggle up with those you love, and to celebrate the bountiful harvest with tasty seasonal food that nourishes your body, mind, and soul.Choosing seasonal produce is an effective way to attune your body to nature. Eat more whole, locally grown...
15 Nutrient-Dense Foods to Add to Your Diet
Your diet is supposed to include so many vitamins and minerals and anti-inflammatories and antioxidants and more! If you want to elevate your way of eating for higher energy and vibrant health, you'll need to select some powerhouse food choices. Follow this guide to learn where to start.Let’s review—from a holistic perspective—different practices that may be affecting the nutritional density...
8 Healthier, Real-Food Halloween Treats
With Halloween just around the corner, you may be wondering how to keep you and your family healthy during the most sugary holiday of the year. While most Halloweens will be chock full of conventional, sugary candy, there are quite a few natural, real-food snacks for you to incorporate, too.Once you (and your family) develop a taste for healthy real-food...
The Whys and Whats of GMOs
Since the beginning of modern agriculture, humans have been genetically influencing crops by cross-breeding to produce desired qualities. In recent times, scientists have leveraged the use of biotechnology to speed up this process and make it more reliable. The process of altering the genetic makeup of a plant to produce desirable characteristics is known as genetic engineering, or GE.For now...
Trick or Treat: 7 Halloween Sweets, Snacks, and Treats
Halloween doesn’t have to be filled with scary, sugary treats. Whether your plans include a costume party or trick-or-treating, you and the kids can honor the traditions associated with All Hallows’ Eve while still being mindful of your health.These seven sweets, snacks, and non-edible treats are free of artificial ingredients and chemical colorings that won’t trick your insides.Honey-Sweetened Pumpkin PopcornWhen...
4 Tips to Help Picky Kids Transition to an Ayurvedic Diet
As parents, there’s nothing more important than the health of our children. However, sometimes your best efforts can run into resistance.You might find your child doesn’t care for the foods that fall within an Ayurvedic diet. It’s a common issue for parents who want the whole family to start eating according to Ayurvedic principles.The key is to help your child...
Enjoy a Full Moon-Inspired Yoga Practice
The Sanskrit word purnata represents a sense of all-encompassing fullness, or divine perfection. Connect to the completeness of your inner being with this full moon-inspired yoga practice.According to Tantrik philosophy, every aspect of reality is perfectly whole, even when it might appear otherwise. Suffering occurs when a being identifies with some limited aspect of him or herself, instead of the...
Playground Yoga: 6 Poses to Try While Your Kids Play
In an ideal world, you would have 1 to 2 hours a day to devote to your own yoga practice; however, sometimes as a parent, it simply isn’t a possibility. Why not embrace your ability to multitask by integrating a physical yoga routine into your child’s playtime? The playground is chock-full of equipment (and kids!) that can support your yoga...
5 Ways to Develop a Family-Friendly Yoga Practice
Home life can be beautifully hectic, especially when there are children in the household. While we know that a personal yoga practice has myriad benefits for the individual, a family yoga practice has the potential to bring parents and kids closer together, while adding the further benefits of greater calm, sense of spiritual connectivity, and healthy fun to the daily...
4 Yogi Parenting Principles
Being a parent is hard work. From lunches and homework to music lessons and sport practices, parenting provides a seemingly endless array of things to do. Yet being a parent is about so much more than raising smart, healthy, and talented kids. Raising children is a unique opportunity to contribute to the expansion and unfoldment of human awareness. By integrating...
Tools for Kids to Start the School Year with Joy
As families find new rhythms and adjust to the new school year, it is a good time to set intentions for joy, wonder, and purpose. There are simple exercises that families can do together to stay grounded and connected, things like: Setting intentions in the morning before school Choosing a mindful exercise for the day Adding a weekly family meditation...
How to Avoid Holiday Distress with Your Family
For some people, dealing with your family can be a stressful time during the holidays. Learn how to deal with this distress from the experts at Chopra.
4 Reasons to Be Thankful for Your Family This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time when family and friends come together in celebration of the bigger, more important things in life—a connection to something more significant than the minutia of everyday life. It’s a time for restoration and rejuvenation, as well as merriment and connection with loved ones and family.Relationships are one of the most crucial aspects of life, and Thanksgiving...
11 Ways to Show Gratitude to Your Mother
Are you tired of your same old Mother’s Day tradition? Perhaps you always send your mom flowers and a card, or you carve out time for brunch. What if you kicked Mother’s Day up a notch and expressed gratitude to your mom in a unique way?If you are stumped on something special you can do, here are some ideas for...
Why Holiday Rituals Can Boost Your Happiness
Tensions can run high when relatives gather and sadness can creep in if you are spending holidays alone. Traditions around the holidays, however, can bring joy and foster connection. People who are happier around the holidays often have traditions that strengthen social connections and help them to feel a sense of belonging. Ways to counteract the holiday blues include: Creating...
10 Lessons to Learn from Your Kids
Parenting is a non-stop job. Anyone who has children will tell you it is the most difficult, yet most rewarding aspect of their life. Even the most well-behaved children can drive you to your wit’s end.Why do children who are thankful, respectful, and well-mannered still push you to your point of needing a break from them? In addition to having...
5 Steps to Connect with Your True Self on Vacation
As a kid, vacation was a thing of magic. Anticipating the chance to explore new places and try new wonderful things, you would fanaticize about all that lay ahead. You would make detailed plans or pack your suitcase weeks in advance, annoying your parents with your enthusiasm and the constant barrage of asking how many days until you left.These days,...
5 Ways to Cultivate Connection in Your Neighborhood
Do you know your neighbors? In our hurried and often detached society, having neighbors as friends and part of your support system is not as common as it used to be.One of my friends has a theory about why neighbors don’t know each other well. She believes you can attribute the demise of the neighborly bond to the automated garage...
The Soul of a Dog: 5 Qualities of Being You Can Learn From Your Pooch
The soul of a dog is a very special expression of consciousness, as anyone who has ever known and loved a dog well understands. Animals have the capacity to teach you reverent, timeless spiritual truths simply by being who they are.An indicator of progress along your spiritual path is when you start to see or “recognize” spirit within other beings....
7 Tricks for Ditching Technology During Family Vacations
Have you ever relied on technology to curb the repeated “are-we-there-yet” question from your kids? Or maybe you’ve entertained yours kids (and even yourself) during long flights or drives with tablets, laptops, and cell phones? If you’re a parent in 2017, I’d be shocked if you answered “no” to those questions.Nonetheless, technology is entrenched in our society. Is there a...
7 Spiritual Lessons from Your Pet
Anyone who has shared their home with a pet is aware of the value and joy this can bring into your life. There are several spiritual benefits to having a pet.
8 Ways to Teach Your Kids Conscious Communication
Kids are incredible and they have so much to teach us about communication. Kids love to communicate. They so are eager to openly express their feelings, ideas, needs, and viewpoints—whether it be positive, negative, or anywhere in between.Kids are beautiful in the way that they don’t have a filter and you never have to guess what they’re thinking or how...
8 Gifts that Foster Kindness and Compassion
Another year has flown by, and the season of giving is upon us again. Oftentimes, we run around purchasing “stuff” for the people in our lives. These gifts may look like a t-shirt, wallet, coffee mug, scarf, and whatever seems, well, thoughtful enough.If you’re looking for ways to enhance a person’s life, how about gifting something more than “stuff”? Many...
4 Ways to Make Compassion Part of Your Holiday Feast
With the holiday season upon us, you may be fantasizing about how wonderful it will feel to prepare and share delicious feasts with your family. Perhaps you visualize your Pottery Barn-inspired dining room table surrounded by loved ones who stop laughing just long enough to savor each bite of your grandmother’s apple pie. At some point, everyone holds hands and...
8 Favorite Books to Teach Compassion to Kiddos
Recently on the television show SuperSoul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey and Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn, discussed the importance of teaching compassion in schools. They both stressed that compassion should be part of a schools’ curriculum, saying it’s more important than math or reading.Why? Because compassionate behaviors promote greater well-being for students and will create a more peaceful world.Since compassion is...
Why We Love Halloween—And It's Not the Candy
As the fall leaves begin to change color and the nights become a little brisker, the back-to-school season quickly swings to the Halloween season at our home. I have four children who all agree Halloween is their favorite holiday. What is it about dressing up and trick-or-treating that makes this holiday so beloved?Historical HalloweenStraddling fall and winter, Halloween is a...
4 Benefits of Owning a Pet
“Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That’s the problem.” - A.A. MilneAnimals can be some of the best teachers in life, if you simply pay attention to the way they live, love, and interact with the world around them.They possess an incredibly grounding energy that: Teaches us how to stay present (they’re rarely worried about the future...
9 Lessons for High School Freshmen (And Their Parents)
Reaching high school is an emotional milestone for most parents and their teen-aged children. Parents might grapple with a range of emotions from fear and excitement to hope and anxiety in the weeks and days leading up to that first day of high school.Maybe you’re one of these parents, who like me, couldn’t believe how quickly the time had passed....
Back to School: 4 Ways to Prepare for Your Child’s School Year
Is the back-to-school frenzy making you feel a bit stressed? If you’re a parent of a child in school, you might be in the midst of purchasing school supplies, picking out a first-day-of-school outfit, and coordinating after-school child care. Carpool logistics, more shopping, haircuts—the list goes on. Plus, let’s face it, your kids have been out of school for several...
5 Ways to Pass on Your Childhood Summertime Experience to Your Children
Do you remember being a kid and having your mom kick you out of the house for the entire day during the summer? Playing spontaneous baseball games, creating objects out of nature, and riding up and down the street on your bike over and over again were how you spent your daytime hours. Or maybe you spent your time like...
4 Ways to Connect with Your Family at the Dinner Table
Most families are starved for time to spend together, and dinner may be the only time of the day to reconnect. As a mother of three children (ages 14, 12, and 7), I know firsthand that it can be difficult to get the family to all sit down, let alone share a meal that everyone enjoys.Yet, the sense of community...
3 Ways to Cultivate Emotionally and Socially Intelligent Kids
What impacts your child’s behavior, learning, relationships, and the ability to focus? It turns out emotions play a very large role.When we’re stressed, anxious, or triggered, our brain and nervous system react immediately. Our amygdala sounds the alarm as our brains go into a psychological state of flight, fight, or freeze.The ability to think, reason, and make rational decisions decreases....
7 Movies to Spark Spiritual Conversations with Your Children
Who doesn’t love a good family movie night? Children and parents alike can enjoy downtime while watching a movie. Why not use the opportunity to search for deeper life meanings during that time? From classic favorites to new releases on the big screen, movies can often provide a spiritual or metaphysical teaching.To determine the best approach to teaching your little...
What to Do When Your Family Doesn’t Support Your Goals
You’ve created some new life goals and cannot wait to share them your family. Your family may be the first to receive the announcement about your new plans, but that doesn’t always mean they’re the most supportive. When those conversations don’t go as planned, do not take it personally.Our emotions tend to be more complicated when it involves family. You...
Mindful Parenting: How to Raise Kind and Conscious Kids
Your alarm didn't go off so you rush around getting all the kids up and dressed and packing their lunches. You get to your car and notice that there's ice on the windows, which means you will need time to scrape it off. Your son drops his book bag into the snow and his lunch and books tumble out. He...
7 Ways to Reduce Family Stress During the Holidays
Are your holidays full of relaxation and quality time with family? If not, you’re not alone. In fact, 62 percent of Americans indicated that they feel stress during the holidays and 35 percent experience difficulty with family members. If you’re looking for ways to reduce holiday stress and create warm memories with your family, follow these seven recommendations.1. Focus on...
7 Keys to Happy Parenting
Parenting is a role where even the most conscientious and intentional people can lose perspective. No matter how much you prepare, things rarely go according to plan, especially when those plans involve kids.Luckily, children are the greatest teachers of detachment, if you allow yourself to learn from them. Once you release the need to control their behavior and just model...
7 Steps to Build Resilient Children Who Aren’t Afraid to Fail
Parents sometimes fall into the trap of choreographing their child’s success. They steer children away from potential bumps along the road rather than teach them to how spot and avoid these hazards, or how to keep going when they hit a patch of rough terrain.While you might want to shield your child away from disappointment, they will eventually experience failure...
5 Ways to Connect With Your Child
When the toils of everyday life creep in, parents can get so bogged down in schedules that the relationship with their children can seem distanced and disconnected.Busy parents can build up and strengthen those connections by taking a few simple steps such as guiding your children through a bedtime meditation, asking for their opinion, and actively observing your children without...
Quiz: How Happy Is Your Family?
Sometimes just getting everything done in a day feels like success. But success shouldn’t be measured by tasks completed. How happy you are when you complete those tasks should be your driving force.If you’re in a rut that has your family rushing from school to dance to soccer to bed with little time for connection, balance, or fun, it’s time...
Are We Teaching Our Children to Stress?
It’s always a hurried affair, getting the family ready for the day. You have to dress yourself for work, feed the clan, dress the kids, and make sure everyone starts the day with a nutritious breakfast. This can make mornings a particularly stressful time of day.If you’ve ever uttered phrases such as, “Hurry up and have your breakfast,” or “You...
How to Set New Year’s Resolutions With the Whole Family
The New Year is a time for renewal and rebirth. It's a time to shed what doesn't serve you and set goals and intentions for what you want to draw into your life. Better than having personal goals is setting family intentions, things that you can work toward as a group. Not only does this help to bring the family...
Superheroes as Archetypes: How They Shape Your Child’s Future
Kids love superheroes. Ever since Superman made his first appearance in comic books in 1938, kids have embraced the idea of super-human power. A child’s adoration of superheroes often borders on obsession and can seem a bit crazy. On top of that, it’s expensive and can dominate your child's time and conversations. You see, kids don’t just look up to...