Bliss Consciousness

Meditation on the Koshas for the Multidimensional Self
One of the incomplete views of the self that many of us have grown up with comes from an interpretation of the Cartesian maxim “I think; therefore I am.” Descartes shared that statement not to define what it means to be human but rather as a discovery of a statement that could not be refuted. Nevertheless, as a culture we...
Discovering Your Essence Through the Five Koshas
The five koshas are the pathway to the deepest layers of ourselves. When we embark upon any journey to and through ourselves, we are taking a journey through these layers of existence. Each of these layers is seen as a veil that has been created for us to develop deeper understanding, to examine, and ultimately to transcend as we find...
Religion vs. Spirituality: The Difference Between Them
The line between religion and spirituality can be very fine, and they are similar in many ways. How do we tell the difference between spirituality and religion?
The Secret to Personal Evolution
You alone are the explorer of your inner world. Of all the ways to unfold your inner potential, by far the most powerful is to use the flow of evolution. Evolution isn't just a theory but a force that has been working in every cell of your body since you were born. As a child, you experienced evolution as a...
La Máxima Prioridad Para Tener un Cuerpo Sano
Aquí hay un cuestionario con una sola pregunta: ¿Para tener un cuerpo sano, que es más deseable, estar en forma físicamente o estar libre de depresión? La respuesta correcta es estar libre de depresión. La depresión está relacionada con la falta de sueño, la fatiga, la disminución de la inmunidad, la susceptibilidad a las infecciones, los ataques cardíacos prematuros y...
The Top Priority for Having a Healthy Body
Here’s a quiz with only one question: To have a healthy body, which is more desirable, being in shape physically or being free of depression? The correct answer is being free of depression. Depression is linked to poor sleep, fatigue, lowered immunity, susceptibility to infections, premature heart attacks, and more. But most people are in the habit of approaching their...
El Juego, el Niño Interior y Tú
Poder jugar hace felices a los niños, pero crecer cambia esto y no para mejor. Los niños juegan, pero los adultos trabajan. Esa es la opinión predominante, como lo ha sido durante siglos, así que veamos a dónde se fue la diversión de la vida y por qué necesita regresar. Lo ideal, de hecho, es llenar de juego toda tu...
Play, the Inner Child, and You
Being allowed to play makes children happy, but growing up changes this and not for the better. Children play, but adults work. That’s the prevailing view, as it has been for centuries, so let’s see where the playfulness of life went and why it needs to come back. The ideal, in fact, is to infuse your whole life with play,...
Spiritual Luminaries: Ram Dass
Although he may never have thought of himself as such, Ram Dass was a spiritual giant. A trained psychologist, author, teacher, and counterculture icon, Ram Dass was a driving force behind the evolution of spirituality in the West. Known for his pursuit of a wide array of spiritual practices and teachings, he led the way for countless seekers to find...
Work, Growth, and the Expansion of Consciousness
Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy. - Khalil GibranMost of you reading this are probably engaged in two types of work. One is the...
Consejos Para Una Carrera Dichosa
Si suena extraño emparejar las dos palabras "dicha" y "carrera", la razón es clara: en la vida moderna, la satisfacción personal no es una alta prioridad cuando se trata del ámbito laboral. Los encuestadores reportan que a la mayoría de las personas les gusta su trabajo, pero eso no es decir mucho. Por lo general, una semana laboral moderna consiste...
Tips for a Blissful Career
If it sounds strange to pair the two words “blissful” and “career,” the reason is easy to find: In modern life personal satisfaction is not a high priority when it comes to the workplace. Pollsters find that most people like their jobs, but that doesn’t place the bar high. Typically, a modern work week consists of long hours, taking work...
How to Prioritize Spiritual and Financial Success
Modern society has reversed the priorities that once ruled society in an age of faith, where spiritual advancement (i.e., avoiding sin and pleasing God) came first and worldly success second. Today many people are rediscovering the spiritual path, but even so they approach it as an add-on to a life that faces all kinds of real-life challenges, especially financial ones....
The Conscious Way to Make Dreams Come True
When we speak of dreams coming true, we are talking about some form of desire. Beyond the basic necessities for food, water, and shelter, which are enough to satisfy the desire to survive, human beings invent countless other desires.What we all experience is that some of our desires come true while others don't. That seems clear enough, but in fact...
Friend Yourself: Social Media and Your Personal Growth
There are more tools than ever to help you when it comes to personal growth. Consider social media: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram all connect people instantly. Sometimes the conversation is intimate, as when you reach out to a close friend. Sometimes it’s a global conversation.There’s tremendous untapped potential here. You can literally participate in a worldwide nervous system without leaving...